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24 Hours in Portland


In this summer of COVID and political unrest, our televisions are filled with depressing news and concerning images, no matter where on the political spectrum you find yourself. That said, as an avid traveler, I’m reminded that most disturbances are temporary while locations usually retain or regain their charm.

So as I watch news accounts of protests and violence in Portland, I prefer to reflect on the less-than-24 hours we enjoyed in the city on a recent visit, and to relive that too-short stay with a few pictures and memories. I hope you’ll enjoy the virtual trip, and forget for awhile the current images.

Amtrak Cascades train in station
We scheduled an early-morning departure from Vancouver’s Pacific Central Station aboard the legendary Amtrak Cascades. Our business class seats provided a comfortable and care-free journey.

Arrival by Train

We traveled to Portland from Vancouver on the Amtrack Cascades, an 8-hour care-free trip. This was the mid-point of a multi-week vacation that started with an Alaska cruise and would end with an eight-day driving tour through Bend, OR; Crater Lake National Park, driving up the Oregon and Washington coast, then circling through Olympic National Park before ending in Seattle.

Tacoma Narrows twin bridges
Always framed within the wide train window, mountains, bays, forests and the Tacoma Narrows twin-span suspension bridges were among the varied scenery enjoyed along the way.

The Cascades journey is one of America’s great train routes, with snow-capped mountains, blue bays, rain forests and other natural wonder always framed in a large train window. The beauty didn’t end on the train, as Portland’s Union Station features some outstanding examples of designs in terra cotta, molded brick and neon signs. We made it through the Portland station with ease and secured a taxi to our hotel with plans for an evening stroll through the riverfront park.

Portland Train Station lobby with neon signage
Arriving in Portland around 4 pm, we were welcomed by a vision of the splendor of rail travel in the past.

COVID Note: We’re thrilled we made this trip in 2018, as COVID and budget cuts have greatly reduced service on the route between Vancouver and Portland. If you’re thinking about taking this or any train, check with Amtrak directly to confirm plans.

Neon sign reflecting on terracotta at Portland Union Station
The polished terracotta walls reflected the plentiful and colorful neon signs that adorned the Portland Union Station.

Unbeknownst to us, our Sunday evening arrival coincided with the concluding events of Portland’s PRIDE festival at the riverfront park. Traveling with a somewhat-sheltered 13-year-old boy, we audibled into a casual dinner, a stroll through the very walkable downtown, and a trip to Ruby Jewel for ice cream. (COVID Note: Ruby Jewel switched to an ice cream-sandwich-only menu in July 2020).

Rainbow over downtown Portland
Unbeknownst to us, tens of thousands of people were celebrating PRIDE Day as we arrived, causing us to change some of our evening plans. Perhaps this rainbow, which appeared over out of our window upon arrival at our hotel, was a sign.

Donut Haven and Heaven

During our early evening, we flipped through some of the available tourist information about near-downtown attractions and discovered Portland’s love affair with donuts. Who knew? We considered the various options, skipping the walking and biking donut tours for lack of time. Thus, in the morning, we set our sights on Blue Star Donuts, walking to its flagship store for some high-sugar delights.

Blue Star Donuts in Portland featuring real maple and bacon donut
We weren’t aware in advance of Portland’s apparent love affair with donuts. On Monday morning, we walked to Blue Star for sweet treats, including the real maple and bacon donut pictured in the upper right.

We had read that line could be extremely long, but our arrival at 8:30 am on a Monday morning found a quiet lull in the donut day. Claiming a few treats, we found an outdoor table and enjoyed our bounty. I’ll say here that if we return, I’m all in on the donut bicycle tour!

Sad COVID story: In June 2020, Blue Star closed all its Portland locations. But Portland still has a plethora of local, craft donut shops to delight your donut desires, including those named NOLA Donuts and Voodoo Donuts that tease the curiosity of our Louisiana heritage.

World’s Greatest Bookstore

Feeling temporarily stuffed but recognizing the sugar high likely was temporary, we headed to Powell’s City of Books. Our fast-reading son had devoured his vacation books during the first half of the trip nearly as fast as his chocolate donut(s) and we knew he’d be bored in the car unless we reloaded. (NO, he won’t use any electronic reader. He prefers turning pages, and we’re not discouraging him!)

Panorama of Powell's City of Bookx
Powell’s City of Books takes up a full city block, and it takes a panoramic photo to begin to capture the immensity.

When a friend had suggested pre-vacation that we “had to visit” Powell’s, we politely chuckled, thinking, who intentionally would visit a book store on vacation? But our arrival quickly dispelled our skepticism, and we chalked up our previous amusement as a lesson learned.

Store Map of Powell's City of Books
We didn’t have to ask for an AAA map since the helpful folks at Powell make them readily available for store navigation. Once we found the right section of the store, a knowledgeable and helpful staff member shared delightful insights about adolescent literature that met with our son’s approval.

The Portland flagship store of the largest independent bookstore in the US, occupying an entire city block and housing over one million volumes. Multiple stories awaited us and we wandered — map in hand! — through expansive sections on history, geography, biography, fiction and adolescent literature. While that last phrase may sound like an oxymoron, the very knowledgeable and helpful staff helped our son discover a few new treats by displaying a keen interest in his reading interests. Just perhaps, his interest was increased by the fact that she was a cute college-age girl taking time with a pimply teenage boy.

Pioneer Square

Frequently referred to as the city’s living room, we navigated to Portland Pioneer Square primarily because it was between Powell’s and our hotel. Plus, we had read that it was a likely location for later-morning food trucks, a must after the breakfast donut sugar rush had dissipated.

Pioneer Square, Portland's Living Room
Pioneer Square is a core element of Portland’s very walkable and pedestrian-friendly downtown. Adjacent to the historic courthouse and also hosting a farmer’s market in one corner, the square was a summer base of operations for several food trucks.

A small summertime farmer’s and flea market occupied one corner, and we found food trucks on the opposite corner. Between and around us wandered an assortment of tourist, business people, shoppers, city strollers and vagrants. Everyone was polite and friendly, most keeping their distance even in the pre-COVID days.

Yolko Ono Sandwich from Fried Egg I'm in Love
A hearty Yolko Ono breakfast sandwich from Fried Egg I’m In Love provided needed sustenance after our donut sugar-high. Egg Zepplin, Smells Like Protein Spirit and Free-Range Against the Machine were among the music-inspired entree names.

For a more solid brunch, we chose Fried Egg I’m In Love’s mobile location at the Square. After studying the punny names of the offerings, we decided to split a Yolko Ono sandwich. While we take no position on whether Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles, we will testify that many eggs were broken up to create this fabulous Yolko Ono sandwich.

International Rose Test Garden

Checking out of our hotel shortly after noon, we jumped in the car and headed to the International Rose Test Garden. Besides making this a definite, must-visit stop in Portland, my other tip is: don’t jump in the car to go. Parking is extremely limited, so rideshare or other transportation is a good choice.

International Rose Test Garden in Portland
With more than 600 varieties and 10,000 rose bushes, the International Rose Test Garden is a Portland kaleidoscope of color. It was the one must-see item on our Portland agenda before arrival. Our mid-June visit coincided perfectly and coincidentally with peak bloom season.

Parking challenges aside, what’s not to love about this Portland attraction? It’s outdoors. It’s beautiful. And it’s free!

International Rose Test Garden in Portland
If you can’t find peace and beauty at Portland’s International Rose Test Garden, you’re either not trying or simply beyond hope. Perhaps understanding more about the spiritual benefits of stopping to smell the roses might help.

Visiting in mid-June at the peak of the bloom season, we wandered through the 10,000 rose bushes taking pictures, sniffing blooms, drinking in the color and watching the pollinators perform their crucial magic. After about an hour and somewhat high on life from the fragrant benefits of stopping to smell the roses, we crossed the street to . . .

Portland Japanese Garden

Occupying over five acres in Washington Park, the Portland Japanese Garden features pagodas, reflecting ponds, and winding pathways through and around Japanese maples, bamboo, irises and waving grasses.

Bridge over reflecting pond at Portland Japanese Garden
If you were overly frustrated by limited parking for the International Rose Test Garden and the Portland Japanese Garden, a few minutes on the winding pathways of the Japanese Garden will help you recenter and find your inner peace.

Due to its popularity, timed admission tickets are available, so check on line for these in advance or plan to wait around for the next opening. Fortunately, we checked on availability on arrival at the rose garden, and purchased tickets for a well-timed garden entry 75 minutes later.

Hidden waterfall at Portland Japanese Garden
We were enthralled by the landscaped beauty of the gardens. But the nature of a hungry teenage beast won out over our thirst for peace and tranquility, and we trekked much more quickly that hoped through the relaxing surroundings.

Once we entered, we were pressed to get moving by a hungry teenager, thus trekked more quickly through than one normally would in such a serene location. The nature of the whining teenage beast quickly won out over natural beauty so we did our best to snap a few pictures before making our exit.

Enjoyment Within Tight Constraints

As originally Portland was but an end-point for our train journey and a rest stop before the next leg, we didn’t invest much time in planning our visit. We’re certainly not pretending this is a “best of” or “top tips” review of the city. We did thoroughly enjoy our limited time in the city, and took with us fond memories of the visit. Most of all, it makes us sad to see the disturbing images from the city, and we pray for solutions that allow residents and visitors alike to revel in the quirky eccentricity that makes Portland special.

AC Hotel by Marriott in Portland
Our overnight HQ for our 24-hour stay was the AC Hotel, a boutique offering from Marriott located convenient to the walkable areas of the city.

More Pics from PDX

Here are a few more pictures, just because we couldn’t face the idea of not using them.

Amtrak luggage tags
We found the luggage tag rack at Portland Union Station. While we knew the generally-accepted definition of SOB, we weren’t sure of SOB;s location. Turns out, it’s the code for South Bend, Indiana.
The dining and beverage care onboard the Cascades offered in-route options. Admittedly, it wasn’t the grand dining car from the movies, but it was a functional option for quick snacks.
Mount Hood rising above landscape
We admit to using a filter to pull in the details on this out-of-the-train-window shot. The effect simply highlights the spooky feeling that where ever we traveled in the Portland area, we were being followed and watched by Mt. Hood. The volcano is 53 miles from the city (more than 70 driving miles) but it always seems so close.
Japanese gardens are rich with symbolism and hidden messaging.
Demolition along railraod route
While Amtrak Cascades is one of the country’s most spectacular scenic train routes, you’ll still see a fair share of urban renewal and “wrong-side-of-the-tracks” views that are inevitable as you approach and leave major population and industry centers. We end with this as a message during these disturbing times that you can choose to focus on the ugliness of Portland or any city if you wish. From our perspective, we’ll continue to seek, enjoy, contribute to and remember the diversity and beauty.

Nearby Summer Walks

During this year of COVID-19, we’ve been looking to short walks through outdoor areas as a way of breaking up the stay-at-home monotony while getting some needed exercise. That’s proven more challenging as we reach midsummer, when the temperature and humidity meet at 85 and above and the breeze abandons us when it’s needed most.

On days like these, we love ambling along wide shaded paths that keep the bright sun away and allow us room to veer around fellow hikers to maintain proper social distance. This week, we enjoyed two of these near our NW Cobb County, GA, home: The Noses Creek Trail at Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park and Allatoona Pass Battlefield.

Wide hiking path on a former railroad right-of-way
The wide, shaded paths at Noses Creek and Allatoona Battlefield parks are for escaping the heat and keeping social distance during these trying times.

Before describing the trails, we should warn you that the parking areas at both locations are relatively small. Thus, you may want to avoid weekends and other peak days. And also recognize that Noses Creek requires a $5 parking fee, or the use of a National Park, Federal Lands, or Kennesaw Mountain limited-use pass available for this park.

Noses Creek Trail

This walk offers a few different options depending on your fitness and curiosity. The main trail from Burnt Hickory Road to Dallas Highway is a wide, shell-covered, gradually-sloping 3.0-mile round-trip route shared by hikers and horses. If you’re not in the mood for the full walk route, the trail crosses scenic Noses Creek approximately .75 miles from the Burnt Hickory Parking lot, thus offering a scenic and relatively-easy 1.5 mile walk if your turn around at the bridge.

Bridge over a stream
The bridge over Noses Creek is near the midway point of the outbound route. It offers a scenic view and is a perfect landmark for those who want a shorter walk.

Like the rest of Kennesaw Mountain park, historic markers identify key areas of the Civil War encampments and fortifications here throughout the spring and early summer of 1864. Most of the actual battle was fought to the North of Burnt Hickory Road near Pigeon Hill, and to the South of Dallas Road, so you won’t see many references to key battle points or actions on this walk.

Historical markers along a hiking trail
Throughout the Kennesaw Mountain Park, historical markers show troop locations and battle information. Most of the fighting occured north and south of this trail section, thus markers reflect troop encampments.

Our favorite route is walking the main trail from the Burnt Hickory parking area to Dallas Highway, then hiking back on the narrow Hardage Mill Trail. This path through the woods adds some additional elevation change, and requires good balance and greater attention on the exposed roots and water-eroded sections. This trail parallels sections of the Civil War-era earthworks constructed by Confederate troops to defend this entry-way to Atlanta.

Before rejoining the main trail, Hardage Mill Trail drops down to the banks of Noses Creek. We often see families here, allowing the younger ones a few minutes to play in the slow-moving water. It’s easy to walk across the creek in several places, rejoining the north section of Hardage Mill Trail on the opposite bank rather than climbing up to the bridge, then following the trail down again.

A family plays near a mountain stream
The terrain at Noses Creek is great for families, without steep elevation changes. We often see families playing near the creek. This time, our grandsons joined in the creek-side adventure.

If you’re looking for beautiful vistas, overlooks or other scenery, this is not the trail for you. However, we’ve frequently encountered small herds of deer on our visits, and a coyote sprinted across our pathway on the most recent walk. And there’s always something interesting to see looking down at the forest floor, where a variety of colorful mushrooms and insects often peak from beneath leaves, brush and fallen trees.

We often see small herds of deer on the Noses Creek Trail. Accustomed to humans walking through, we’ve been able to capture good pictures, even with a couple of noisy young boys walking with us.

Allatoona Pass Battlefield

Hidden in the woods along an abandoned railroad right of way, the Allatoona Pass Battlefield park offers an easy walk with a forest canopy providing shade to most of the path.

Tracing the shores of today’s Allatoona Lake, the wide main path is an easy 1.8 mile, out-and-back walk, with only the gradual elevation change of the Civil War-era Western & Atlantic Railroad right-of-way. For the adventurous and those who can handle elevation changes, side trails offer the opportunity to climb the high points and explore former Union gun battery and stronghold locations which contributed to a Federal victory in an attack by Confederates with heavy artillery and superior numbers.

Wooden steps lead up a hillside
For the curious, adventurous and fit, side trails lead to the Union Star Fort on one side of the deep cut, and a gunnery placement on the other.

The first half of the main trail passes beneath the elevated positions occupied by the Federals on both sides of the railroad. A star-shaped earthworks fort occupies the hill on the left as you walk outbound, while the hills on the right are home to an elevated artillery battery position. On the hills on both sides, numerous signs explain troop placements and battle conditions. However, the only marker on the main trail is near the entrance, so you may want to stop there to acquaint yourself if you’re interested in the battle history and not just the walk.

Also near the entrance, a small memorial stands to the troops from each state which fought in the battle. While it’s surprising, there is no Georgia memorial as no troops from Georgia were present on the site during the battle.

Past the Deep Cut, the trail follows the shoreline of today’s Allatoona Lake. A side trail leads down to the lake shore and offers panoramic views.

Just past the hills and about half-way on the outbound walk, a small trail branches off to the right, dropping downward on a penisula into the lake. We usually save this side-trip for the return journey, walking out on the shaded path to the lake’s edge and taking in the panoramic view. Unfortunately, we often find this area littered by uncaring park users. We often pick it up and pack it out, but the potential for COVID transmission by touch has discouraged us from this lately.

Beside the panoramic view, just off the end of the peninsula is 40-foot-tall platform, home to an osprey nest. During late spring and early summer, you’ll often see the mature birds flying over the lake and bringing food to the new hatchlings. In June and July, the baby birds are easy to see as they stretch the heads above the nests calling out for food.

Just off the shoreline, a 40-foot-tall platform provides a nesting spot for ospreys. A joint project of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Georgia Power, these platforms have been essential to returning osprey to the area. In the Spring, you can watch the adult birds hunt and return food to the nest for their hatchlings.

More on the Battle at Allatoona Pass

Many who visit are surprised to learn that unlike nearby battles at Pickett’s Mill and Kennesaw Mountain, this battle did NOT occur as General Sherman steadily marched his army from Chattanooga and through northwest Georgia toward Atlanta from March to July 1864. Rather the Battle of Allatoona Pass occurred three months later, in October 1864, as the Confederates attempted to take the railroad lines and prevent supplies from reaching Sherman’s garrison in Atlanta and his Army marching toward the sea. Historian Brad Butkovich details the battle in his book, “The Battle of Allatoona Pass, part of a Civil War series that also features another of his books on the June 1864 battle at nearby Pickett’s Mill. While I’ve included a link to purchase the book on Amazon, it’s also available in several book stores and historical sites in Acworth and Kennesaw.

Today, the former path the the Western and Atlantic railroad is shaded by surrounding forest and an overhead canopy. That wasn’t how it looked during the battle in October 1864.

For a shorter, faster, overview, you can also use the virtual battlefield tour.

Another bit of surprising history from the relatively-small, late-in-the-war battle: the Christian Hymn, “Hold the Fort for I Am Coming” was inspired by orders given by General Sherman during this battle.

Other Nearby Walks and Trails

We’ve explored and chronicled our walks at several other nearby locations. If you’re looking for walks that range from easy to challenging, check out these:

Red Top Mountain State Park. Red Top offers several trails featuring clear paths, consistent footing, mild elevation changes and some short inclines that will increase your heart rate.

Red Top Mountain State Park features several trail choices along the lake shore and through the woods. Look closely and you can find the remains of abandoned homesteads along the trails, or spot the bridge from the closing scene of Ben Afleck’s movie, The Accountant.

Pickett’s Mill Historic Battlefield Park. Enjoy good hiking and perhaps even learn why Union soldiers and their families were determined to keep the memory of this battle alive even though it was one of the last Union defeats of the war.

Cooper’s Furnace. At Cooper’s Furnace and Allatoona Dam, we explored the Civil War-era ruins, enjoyed an easy hike, and took in the scenery, getting out in nature without the fuss of major planning or a long drive.

KeMo’s Backside. A shapely, well-rounded, and beautiful natural attraction often unseen by those drawn to Kennesaw Mountain’s more recognizable and oft-visited full frontal approach.

US Georgia Kennesaw Mountain sunrise hike
For a difference experience, try a pre-dawn walk up the paved road to the peak of Kennesaw Mountain. On a clear day, you can experience a magical sunrise, then take the wooded patch back down.

Experience Sunrise on Kennesaw Mountain. It’s magical to watch the twinkling transition of the surrounding metropolitan area’s awakening from street and building lights to the early hues of morning sunlight.

Short Drives to Waterfalls

If you have more time and are attracted to the beauty, fury and sound of falling waters, try these:

Short Walks to Tall Waterfalls. After a bit of a drive, you can visit these without over-taxing walks. We highlight the easy trails, but others can up the challenge if you wish.

Cloudland Canyon. There’s nothing near Cloudland, and it takes planning and time to visit. And that’s perfectly OK for nature lovers who dislike hordes of visitors posing for ridiculous selfies instead of pointing their cameras at the spectacular scenery surrounding them.

Hemlock Falls waterfall with colorful leaves
Hemlock Falls at Cloudland Canyon State Park, GA

Favorite Drives: Oregon Coast Highway

In today’s new reality, Americans are more interested than ever in driving trips. Driving renews that sense of freedom and personal control, while enabling exploration and discovery not possible on packaged trips or other modes of transportation.

Among our all-time most-memorable driving trips: the Pacific Coast Highway in Oregon. While we’re neither saying we saw all or the best of the coast on our two day drive, it’s easy to say that we enjoyed every mile and minute of the drive and our stops along the way.

Following are some of our favorite highlights of a one-day drive which started one early morning in Eugene, and finished at sunset at Cape Kiwanda.

After an early-morning departure from Eugene, we started our coastal day on the banks of the Siuslaw River in Florence at River Roasters Coffee. Our family selections of lattes and hot chocolates warmed our hands before the coastal drive warmed our hearts. The patio at River Roasters offered a good view of the historic 1936 drawbridge, one of many ornate arched bridges along the PCH built by the WPA.
River Roasters is located in a former automobile repair and outboard motor shop. The exterior retains signage from the past, and the interior retains the nautical and outdoor theme. Tucked away in the restroom, we found this antique Evinrude outboard motor and gas tank set, along with what appeared to be a propeller from an airplane or airboat.
We headed South from Florence to the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. We hiked through the coastal forest, down to the dunes, and out to the shore. After walking along the beach, we took the return route over the dunes, fighting to keep our feet while laughing and sliding in the loose sand. Warning: walking in loose sand is very tiring, especially when climbing, so the dune route is not recommended for those with limitations or different abilities.
Through the forest, down the dunes, and past the sea grass, we finally found the Pacific Ocean and some of its inhabitants. The spray from the roaring waves coupled with the cool June day limited our beach time here.
After enjoying nature, it was time for some man-made, motor-powered fun. We let our 14-year-old sun choose the tour vehicle, thus piled into this sand rail dune buggy for an escorted tour with a professional driver. I landed the front seat — not by choice but by default after our son took the back and insisted his mom join him. Occasionally, I could hear him laughing over the sounds of the motor and his mom’s screams as we literally flew off the top of some dunes at speeds of 70 mph.
We stopped at the Mo’s location on the docks of the Siuslaw River to warm ourselves again, this time with some of their famous chowder. While we came for the chowder, we also enjoyed some of their lunchtime seafood specials, all while watching the river flow by on its way to the Pacific.
Next stop was the Haceta Head Lighthouse, approximately 20 minutes north of Florence. With lots of scenic overlooks, we just stopped the car to gaze at the natural splendor of the ocean, rocks, coastline and forest. With limited time, we chose not to visit the small lighthouse and keeper’s house, which are open to the public an operated by a non-profit organization. Nor did we stop at the Sea Lion Caves, a popular tourist attraction for families located on the drive from Florence.
A few miles north of Haceta Head Lighthouse, don’t miss the natural wonders in the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area. Short walking trails lead to incredible views. A small parking lot at the Visitor’s Center is the best place to start.
Unfortunately for us, the tidal gods weren’t cooperating with our vacation timetable. We missed the most spectacular near-high-tide views at Thor’s Well, where crashing waves are forced through a seaside cavern before exploding upward through the collapsed ceiling and shooting high above the surrounding volcanic rock. We still enjoyed scampering over the rocks in search of pictures, while listening to the awesome beat of the waves crashing into the rocks. Word of warning from experience: those rocks are slippery!
Continuing with natural scenery and crashing waves, we stopped near Seal Rock for more photography. Frankly, there are enough seals on the Oregon coast that almost any rock could be so named. This was near the small town of Seal Rock, at Seal Rock State Park.
Having lost track of time in our meandering, we stopped in Newport for some dock-side dining. First, we walked the open areas of the docks, watched seals swim near the boats, and watched a few fisherman preparing for the next day’s work. Another of the WPA arched bridges provided a dramatic backdrop. We dined at Local Oceans Seafood, noted for purchasing all its seafood directly from local fishermen and transforming them into haute cuisine. We enjoyed watching the preparation in the open kitchen as well as the incredible flavors of the dishes.
Around 8 pm, we finally reached our only planned stop of the day: The Inn at Cape Kiwanda. After stashing our stuff in our comfortably-appointed room, we headed out for a walk on the beach. There, we watched local Pacific City doreymen run their historic boats up on the beach to deposit tourist who had paid for the experience.
Like beaches everywhere, you will encounter the usual and unusual. A gentle wind helped this guy create giant bubbles that gently lifted off his wands and loated for short distances on the ocean breeze, before popping to the squealing delight of kids from the nearby resort.
Evening winds pushed up waves large enough to attract local surfers to try their skills.
Oregon’s coast is littered with these haystack rocks, giant lava formations eroded and shaped by the currents and waves. This one is just off the coast at Cape Kiwanda. One of the most famous is just up the highway near Ocean City, which visited on Day Two of our drive.
For a closer view, the Inn at Cape Kiwanda has tripod-mounted binoculars for checking out the nearby haystack rock.
After a good night’s rest, we decided to start the next day with a mid-morning horseback ride on the beach. Nearby Green Acres Beach and Trail Rides offered a reasonably-priced, one-hour ride that included sand dunes and the beach.

Man Without a Plan

Frankly, we did this drive without a specific plan, other than a start and end point. We did a small bit of research in advance, just enough to jot down a few notes about Thor’s Well, Haceta Head and our planned stopping point at Cape Kiwanda. Virtually everything else was left to exploration, discovery and spontaneous decisions. Did we see and enjoy all the best site? Who knows. But we thoroughly enjoyed this free-form drive.

The Splendor of Two European Cathedrals, All in One Cincinnati Area Church

For nearly 20 years, we drove Interstate 75 through Cincinnati, OH, and Covington, KY, often commenting on the numerous church steeples in this historically German and Catholic area. But we needed the Roadtrippers travel app to discover St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption. We made a special half-day stop to explore this religious and architectural wonder.

The facade of St. Mary's Basilica in Covington, KY, was modeled after Notre Dame of Paris, but the two towers were never completed.
Individual construction projects were completed on the massive church, the it remains unfinished based on original plans. The two, 52-foot towers which would resemble Notre Dame of Paris have never been added.

Oddly, while living in Ohio, we made regular driving trips up and down I-75 to visit family. We often found ourselves time-pressed and family-stressed on those trips. Thus, making a stop just one hour after leaving home or when only one hour away from a return seemed senseless.

But after we moved to Florida, then Georgia, we had more time to explore stops along this road-now-less-traveled. Ending a leisurely combination business and vacation trip, we asked Roadtrippers for interesting stops on our route to Georgia. St. Mary’s popped up, just off the interstate in Covington, KY, and perfect for a late-morning visit.

Based on Two Famous European Cathedrals

St. Mary’s features classic Gothic architecture, with an interior based on St. Denis Basilica of Paris and a façade modeled after Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Planning for St. Mary’s began as early as 1855. Actual construction began in 1894 after construction plans and fundraising were sufficient for work to commence. Completion of the first phase occurred in 1901 and dedication of the church proceeded without the façade. Construction began again in 1908 on the exterior, featuring a 26-foot diameter rose stained glass window. Work ended on the exterior in 1910, but without the two 52-foot towers originally envisioned.

The large stained glass window dedicated to Mary, was created by Mayer and Company of Munich, Germany, and installed in 1911.
One of the largest handmade stained glass windows in the world, the 67 foot by 24 foot fixture is located in the North Transept. It depicts the Coronation of Mary after her Assumption.

Today, the Basilica features one of the largest handmade stained glass windows in the world, according to the Cathedral Legacy Society. The 67 foot by 24 foot fixture occupies the North Transept. It depicts the Coronation of Mary after her Assumption. Created in Munich, Germany, craftsmen installed the window in 1911. A full restoration was completed 2001, according to published church history.

Inside the Soaring Church

Entering the Basilica from the west below the rose window, one of the church’s three pipe organs towers above. Walking forward, The Baptistry is laid into the floor, with an upper carved from one piece of Chiampa Pearla marble.

Three organs fill the church with music. The Wicks pipe organ, located in the south transept (ca. 1930) was expanded in 1982 and 2001.

On our visit, one of the organists rehearsed overhead, filling the massive church with a mournful dirge, then lifting the pace and our spirits with a soaring hymn.

We walked up the main aisle, pausing to admire the stained glass windows and the massive arches above the huge columns that formed the nave. At the far side, the marble-tiled sanctuary rises from the main floor, featuring a carved wood pulpit and baldachin, plus a variety of marble. Above, the transept soars to 85 feet. Ahead, the marble altar sits before the rounded east apse, adorned by more stained glass. The wood-carved cathedra, or bishop’s chair, symbolizes the role of teacher and pastor of the church.

Framed by huge columns, the main nave soars to 85 feet above the church's marble and hand-carved wood altar.
Walking up the main aisle, the classic components of Gothic architecture are everywhere.

Other notable religious and architectural features include:

  • Mosaic stations. Formed of tiny porcelain ceramic tiles and mother of pearl, the 14 stations portray Christ’s passion and death.
  • Stained glass windows. In addition to the large stained glass window in the North Transept, the church features 82 stained glass windows portraying the life of Christ and honoring apostles, saints and church figures.
  • Gargoyles and chimera. Along the ornate upper colonnade, 32 gargolyes help to divert rainwater away from the cathedral. Another 26 chimeras help to guard the church and community from evil spirits.

After roaming through the interior, we headed back outside to the courtyard, admiring the plantings, fountains, statuary and — of course — those gargoyles peeking at us from high above.

Our weekday visit lasted over two hours as we paused to reflect on the exquisite features. We easily could have spent more time exploring the vast interior and exterior surroundings. The church generally is open for visitation Monday-Friday, from 9 am to 3 pm, but may be closed without notice due to special liturgies.

After touring the interior, we walked through the courtyard and surrounding plaza, enjoying the fountains, statues and the playful gargoyles high above.

Fresh Water Fun in the Caribbean

When most people think of travel in the Caribbean, the first images that pop into mind are rolling waves of turquoise water washing on to white sandy beaches, where palm trees sway in a gentle breeze — generally high above reddened humans consuming mass quantities of alcoholic beverages.

Or maybe it’s a cruise ship quietly sailing past a nearby island where small boats zip into and out of a small harbor surrounded by a colorful and quaint town.

Yes, the Caribbean vision perfected by Jimmy Buffet and expanded on by many others features Boats, Beaches, Bars and Ballads, and maybe even locating that lost shaker of salt. Regardless of your preference in island activities, there are plenty of salt water or just plain salty options available.

But sometimes, you just want to rinse off the sand and that salt crust and feel the rejuvenating power of cold fresh water. That’s a perfect time to leave the beaches and head inland, where the crowds are smaller, the water fresh, and we enjoyed three of our favorite fresh water adventures in the islands, including the grand-daddy of them all, Dunn’s River Falls near Ocho Rios.

Waterfalls of Damajagua, Dominican Republic

Located on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic near the city of Puerto Plata and the new-ish cruise port at Amber Cove, the Damajagua River wind its way out of the mountains. Hidden among the trees are 27 waterfalls, splashing into limestone pools perfect for jumping and swimming. Known locally as 27 Charcos, the area opened for tourists in the late 1990s and still retains lots tropical mountain charm.

waterfalls splash into a limestone pool of clear water
Carving caverns and canyons into the surrounding limestone, the 27 Charcos are a newer attraction near Puerto Playa. Most tours only visit seven waterfalls, but you can book a visit to all of them if you have enough time.

We booked an excursion from Amber Cover that included round-trip transportation, guided access to 7 of the waterfalls and an additional zip line adventure following. Arriving early, we were among the first guests of the day to start the 30-minute, 1-mile uphill hike. Beware that this is no easy walk in the woods, so be mindful of your limitations. And if you need a break, inform your guide.

Guides offer a few rest breaks on the one-mile, uphill hike to the entry point for the seventh waterfall. Wearing athletic shoes is advised, as the trail is rocky and water shoes aren’t the best choice for walking.

Two other tips: bring bug spray and wear athletic shoes. The stones on the trail are loose, lumpy and sharp, and water shoes or flip flops may not provide adequate protection or comfort.

After reaching the top, you literally jump or slide your way back down following the river as it carves deep pools below the series of small falls. After brief instructions, we crept to the edge of a large rock. Our 15-year-old decided he wasn’t going first, so I was the first to plunge approximately 16 feet into a narrow canyon where the river emerges from a cavern. Some falls offer the option of either jumping or sliding down rock chutes into the pools below. For the timid, some of the larger falls also feature stairs for descending rather than the watery options.

Some of the falls offer an option of jumping, sliding, or both if you want to climb back up the stairs for a second try.

If you have more time and an adventurous spirit, opt for a 12-falls adventure or all 27 falls. The upper falls are far less-visited and less-crowded, and the tour guides tend to travel at a more relaxed pace. You can learn more about those options at the 27 Carco website.

Our 15-year old didn’t want to go first at the entry point, so I took the initial plunge. We maintained that order throughout the morning. Life jackets and helmets are provided as part of the tour.

White River Tubing, Jamaica

Growing up in Louisiana and now living in Georgia, we’re no strangers to river tubing. And honestly, on our Jamaica trip, we weren’t looking for a tubing adventure, but one found us anyway.

Floating the cool waters of the gently-moving White River is a no-frills way to escape the tourist crowds for a few hours. There’s an option to stop midway for drinks and diving, but our group chose river time.

That’s how we ended up on the banks of the gently-moving White River, a winding and bouncing journey of a few miles away from Ocho Rios. Reflecting the character of the area, this is a no-frills but good-chill way to spend a few hours away from the tourist crowds.

Upon arrival, we said goodbye to our driver, who promised with a huge smile to meet us downstream. Then, we grabbed a tube and life preserver and headed to the river with another independent group that had arrived from a Carnival cruise. As it turns out, they were fellow Georgians, and also no strangers to river tubing.

There are only two rules to successful tubing: push away if you get too close to the bank or a river snag, and hold on to any beverage which may be in your possession.

There really are only two things that require your attention on a smooth-water tubing trip: pushing away if you get too close to the bank and holding on to any beverage that may be in your possession. Otherwise, fellow Parrotheads, channel your inner fruitcake: put on some Bob Marley, and practice what you preach. Get Ja lost in the reggae mon, and forget about the beach.

Around the midway point on this trip, the willing can choose a stop, where rum drinks are available and you can jump off a 20-foot cliff into the water below. We chose to float on by, as climbing to that jumping perch sounded like work.

Dunn’s River Falls, Ocho Rios, Jamaica

Crowds at Dunn’s River Falls peak between 11 am and 2 pm, especially when cruise ships are in port. But no matter, you’ll still experience lines of happy people climbing the falls in a beautiful setting.

If you’ve ever seen a Caribbean travel brochure with pictures beyond the beach, chances are it features at least one shot from Dunn’s River Falls. You know the one — lines of happy people, holding hands, climbing through falling waters all in a perfectly-beautiful setting. You might also recognize it from the Sean Connery-era James Bond movie, “Dr. No,” or from “Cocktail” featuring Tom Cruise.

While crowds peak between 11 am and 2 pm — especially when cruise ships are in port — everyone seems to be in a jolly, cooperative and fun mood as they line up with guide groups to start the walk down to the waterfall base.

The pricey photo package is provided on a DVD, which makes playback clumsy. But unless you have a waterproof camera or a commercially-available waterproof camera carrier, it’s your best option. We carried my phone in a waterproof carrier as a back-up.

Reaching the beach area where the crystal-clear cool water from the falls meets the warm turquoise waters of the Caribbean, guides provide instructions for climbing, holding hands in a human chain and having fun on the way up the 180-foot vertical journey. While much of Dunn’s River Falls maintains its natural shape, a few man-made alterations like concrete steps and hand rails make sections of the climb more manageable.

A local camera person accompanies each group, staging photos and videos for those who purchased the (pricey!) package at the start. Despite the cost, this is a better option for recording your climb than carrying your own camera. If you do take your camera, it’s best to use a commercially-available waterproof carrier with a strap, one that permits picture-taking without removing the camera from the bag. And then, it’s best to use this as a second camera to supplement pictures from the local package.

While most visitors climb the falls and depart, admission allows for an all-day stay. That gives you an option of climbing again, walking the beautiful grounds, or visiting the small, secluded and quiet beach at the base of the falls.

Know, too, that your admission to Dunn’s River Falls allows for an all-day stay. While visitors book excursions and visit for about two hours, there’s a quaint, clean, and uncrowded sandy beach available for your enjoyment, too. Plus the remainder of the grounds is a tropical garden paradise.

Our least-favorite part of Dunn’s River Falls was the forced-march exit path through local vendors. Generally, we enjoy browsing Caribbean markets, but we found vendors here to be aggressive — with several refusing to accept a polite “no thank you” and continuing to push into personal space.

After successfully climbing the falls, we enjoyed some picture-taking before departure. Our least-favorite part of the day was the forced-march exit path through aggressive local vendors.

Know Before You Go

  • Sun screen is a necessity for any of these adventures.
  • Bring some bug spray. You’ll be glad you did.
  • Wear hard sole shoes that grip surfaces, not flip flops. Dunn’s River Falls has shoes for rent, but they are the soft-soled water shoes .
  • Excursions offer convenient options, but all these attractions can be visited independently. Going on your own will allow you more time, and may permit you to go at less-crowded periods.

You Might Also Enjoy

Keeping with our water theme of this post, you might also like:

If you enjoyed this blog, you might also enjoy meeting Louise the toothless gator. She’s a regular on the Louisiana Swamp tour with Captain Craig.
  • Louisiana Swamp and Gator Tour. Authentic Cajun Captain Craig Matherne takes us on an air boat adventure in search of alligators near New Orleans, LA.
  • Lobsterin’ on the Lulu. While visiting Bar Harbor, ME, we enjoyed this three-hour site seeing and educational tour on working lobster boat.
  • Short Hikes to Tall Waterfalls. The North Georgia mountains near Atlanta feature spectacular waterfalls, and these require only a short walk for viewing.
  • Salmon Fishing Lessons from Alaska. On a cruise stop in Ketchikan, we booked a half-day guided fishing trip in search of salmon. Captain Dan didn’t disappoint.
  • See All Our Blogs. Just follow the link and scroll through a few years of adventures. Or, select by topic from the top navigation bar.
Lobster kissing on Lulu Lobster Boat Tour. OurTravelCafe.com
The willing and silly were encouraged to try a Maine tradition of lobster kissing. But I’m not convinced that it’s a tradition — except to entertain tour guides!
Alaska, Fishing, Cruise, Salmon
On our salmon fishing adventure in Ketchikan, we landed this beauty — the fish, not the mermaid holding it.

The Longest Walk at ATL


With the unpredictability of TSA lines and more time on my hands in retirement, I am arriving at ATL earlier for departing flights.  And the last thing I want to do is sit around a crowded gate area with other bored passengers waiting to be squeezed in, motionless, even longer on the upcoming flight.

Once my antidote for a long wait or connection was a SkyClub Bloody Mary, served with bottles of Worcestershire and Tabasco on the side for my final customization. Now, my preferred cure for preflight waits is the longest walk at ATL: two miles, one-way, all beyond security, and perfect for getting your blood moving and daily steps in before or between flights.  Best of all, depending on the time available, you can easily do all or part of the longest walk, complete it round trip by foot for a four-mile excursion, or combine it with a plane train return if you get behind schedule.

Atlanta Airport ATL Walking
Accounting for Plane Train congestion and some pauses for attractions or distractions, the longest walk from Main Terminal to Gate F1 takes approximately 40 minutes, one-way at a brisk pace.

My version of the longest walk follows the connector tunnels and generally keeps off the crowded concourses, where walking speed and time requirements are unpredictable.  As you’ll see, some concourse traversing is required but it’s limited to the least-crowded sections of Concourse E and the extra-wide aisles of the new International Concourse.

Here’s the basic, one-way route guide for ATL’s longest walk, starting at the Main Terminal:

  1. Descend the escalators from Main Terminal security to the connector tunnels.
  2. Walk the connector tunnels from Main Terminal to Concourse E. Train traffic at the escalator area will be busiest.
  3. Ascend the escalators to Concourse E, then walk straight across, beyond the food court, around the children’s art exhibit at gate E14, then past gates E15 to E18.
  4. Descend into the connector tunnel toward the International Terminal.
  5. Ascend to the International Terminal, and turn right to Gate F1, the end of the one-way walk.
  6. Turn around and repeat, or walk and descend to the train plane station for a quick ride to your concourse.
Descend the escalators from Main Terminal security, then walk the tunnel system. You’ll ascend and traverse Concourse E before continuing into the final tunnel to the International Terminal.

In my experience, the one-way trek requires about 40 to 45 minutes when walking at a brisk pace and pulling a single roll-aboard. Your travel time will vary based on your walking speed and the airport attractions or distractions which may delay you along with way.

Between T-Concourse  and Concourse A

Here, ATL’s oldest and most elaborate display of airport art features African artifacts. Large stone carvings and bright photographs adorn this tunnel. Attentive walkers will notice that half of the carvings face toward Concourse T, while half face toward Concourse A. This way, African art welcomes you whether you’re arriving or departing ATL.

Between Concourses A and B

With dimmed lighting and surrounded by the sights and sounds of a Georgia wetland, artist Steve Waldeck’s 450-foot long “Flight Paths” truly is an immersive experience. As you reach the midway point and hear thunder, watch as first-timers actually try to avoid the projected images of water dripping into a pond on the floor. Along the way, colorful leaves and a small patch of bird-filled sky line the ceiling.

Between Concourses B and C

Take a walk on the historical side, tracing Atlanta’s evolution from prehistoric times through the Terminus, Civil War and Civil Rights periods and to the 1996 Olympic Games. Blending written, pictorial and video displays, the history walk is both educational and entertaining. The staring and solemn faces of oppressed black citizens and Civil Rights champions are juxtaposed with Atlanta’s business and economic symbols, includindg former Mayor and airport namesake William Hartsfield waving overhead from an airplane. Like Atlanta’s story, the exhibit is complex, confusing and – eventually – triumphant.

Between Concourses C and E

Move along, nothing to see here.  Literally! Nothing.  Nada.  Carpet. Ceiling tile, and the occasional scraping sound of a misaligned conveyor wheel below the moving sidewalk. It’s also the least crowded area, so picking up the pace is a good option.

Traversing Concourse E

Immediately after exiting the escalator, the city remembers Dr. Martin Luther King with a dedicated display. One of his suits in the display would indicate a man of average stature, but his impact on our nation truly was larger than life. Fittingly, the display is located directly in front of the airport chapel.

ATL Atlanta Airport Entertainment

As you walk straight across the concourse and past the center food court, you may be entertained by one of Atlanta’s musical artists at a grand piano. When not played live, the player-piano mode entertains the bar patrons nearby. Atlanta’s airport musician program pays local performers $75 per hour to entertain and calm travelers.

International Terminal

If you have trouble with vacation planning, amble over to Gate F-8. There, leave your planning to fate (F-8) and decide your next vacation location based on the destination displayed.

Or, if you prefer, stand in the center atrium, examine the two glittering pieces of art suspended from the ceiling, and join the local debate about their place, worth, and general effect on the universe.

Other Interesting Art and Artifacts

OK, I know this was a walk, and your primary interest may be exercise. If not, to paraphrase Ferris Bueller, “Airport life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

As you approach the top of the escalators at Concourse E, look back over your shoulder to the inspiring work of long-time Atlanta artist Radcliffe Bailey. The work, entitled “Saints” reflects African-American culture and themes. But for this New Orleans-area native, I’m also amused that the title also is the name of the arch-rivals of the Atlanta Falcons – the New Orleans Saints – and that a careful examination will find a “Who Dat” or two hidden in the artwork.

Also on Concourse E, check out the various whimsical artwork suspended from the ceilings at Gates E-16 Charles Hubbard’s four works evoke humor and curiosity, and pay homage to the various ideas about building flying machines.

One more amusing artifact: service animal restrooms.  Hey, those dogs gotta go somewhere, and these plush pee points feature artificial grass and a fire hydrant.

Other ATL Airport Options

I’ve spent lots of time in ATL as a connecting traveler throughout my career, and now as an area resident. Here are some other options for enjoying an extended layover in ATL, as well as my recommendations on the best dining at ATL.

Gone: Atlanta’s smoking lounges faded into history Jan. 1, 2020. Thus, no more stopping to peer into the smoker’s aquarium.

More on This Topic

If you want to find or avoid the longest airport walks, here’s a link you might like. I’ve done many of these over my professional career.

Our Other Airport Guides

While I’ve traveled to 48 US states and 32 countries, I didn’t start writing this blog until near my retirement. But here area a few airports where I had both time and enough interest to write up some observations:

Chicago: Killing Time at Midway

Dayton: Fast, Efficient and Empty

Denver:  Aliens, Lizard People and the Illuminati

New Orleans: Goodbye Old MSY

St. Louis:  An Airport in Past Tense

Of Air Boats, Alligators and Swamp Tales

The aluminum air boat moved as slowly as the thick August air as we navigated the no-wake zone and our captain described his plan for the rest of the morning. Reaching the end of the canal, the engine roared and we shot across the open pond past great herons, snow-white egrets, jumping fish, small islands and narrow canals. We slowed, then slid roughly, climbing to the top of a small levee. We paused at the apex, then with another quick roar the air boat dipped into the water and glided smoothly at the edge of a cypress swamp.

Our deeply-tanned guide stepped down from his elevated pilot’s chair and walked to the front of the boat, standing nearest two visitors from Hawaii who had cameras at the ready.  

“Manger poulet.  Manger poulet,” the guide yelled in Cajun French. (Pronounced, mon-zjay poo-lay, translated as, eat chicken). One hand waved and the other displayed a small piece of raw chicken.

Large alligator approaches an air boat on a Louisiana swamp tour. OurTravelCafe.com
The long, dark, scaled snout of an alligator slowly emerged – then the head, then the body, and more body, and the tail and more tail and more tail. We came face-to-snout with several gators during our air boat tour through the Louisiana swamp.

Tall grass began moving near the boat. The long, dark, scaled snout of an alligator slowly emerged – then the head, then the body, and more body, and the tail and more tail and more tail.

Like a Cajun Santa calling a cute cartoon gator in the Cajun Night Before Christmas, Captain Craig Matherne greeted the prehistoric apex predator by name as the flipped his powerful scaled tail and launched himself onto the boat’s bow for his own swamp bow. And that’s how we met Lucky Pierre, the first of many gators and other swamp creatures we encountered roaming the multi-colored marsh and cypress swamps southwest of New Orleans with Captain Craig.

Large alligator climbs aboard air boat during Louisiana swamp tour. OurTravelCafe.com
With a fast flip of its powerful scaled tail, the prehistoric apex predator launched itself up onto the boat, the first of many gators and other swamp creatures we encountered roaming the multi-colored marsh and cypress swamps.

Why Tour Here?

The river parishes, bayou towns and swamps surrounding New Orleans are home to abundant wildlife and legendary characters.  Following US Highway 90 from New Orleans to Lafayette takes you right through the heart of this Louisiana swamp country. Located approximately 30 miles southwest of New Orleans, the fishing village of Des Allemands is a great place to experience an airboat ride that combines swamp sightseeing, local tales, and close-up encounters with alligators. That’s where we signed on for a 90-minute airboat tour through Airboat Tours by Arthur.

Des Allemands is my home town. The French name translates as “the Germans” and the area is a unique part of Louisiana’s German Coast. Here, shiploads of German immigrants began settling in the 1720s, followed in the 1760s by French families who migrated from Nova Scotia after a dispute with the English rulers of Canada. Establishing footholds on the soil and swamps of the Mississippi flood plain, they traded with Caribbean islanders, Native Americans of the Houmas and Choctaw tribes, and even Jean Lafitte’s pirate band that used the local waterways and a shell mound called The Temple for smuggling.  Eventually, the diverse cultures fused into a community as rich in tradition as the local swamp is in nutrients supporting broad biodiversity.  

Our air boat tour passed a tree swing suspended over a fishing boat on Bayou Des Allemands.  OurTravelCafe.com
Establishing footholds on the soil and swamps of the Mississippi flood plain, Germans, French Acadians, Caribbean islanders, Native Americans, and even Jean Lafitte’s pirate band fused into a community as rich in tradition as the local swamp is in nutrients supporting broad biodiversity.

Before oil refineries and chemical plants sprouted on the banks of the Mississippi in the 1950s and 1960s, families either farmed the dark soil nearest the river or depended on the bounty of the swamps and marshes for their livelihoods. Growing up here, our family owned a pleasure boat and we frequently spent weekends at fishing camps near Lake Des Allemands, the fresh water source for the surrounding swamps and marshes, and Lake Salvador, the brackish barrier to the South.  We set fishing lines and crab traps, feasting on the fresh catch while resting from water skiing and swimming.

Thus, while I was familiar with the area, I had lived out-of-state for more than 30 years, so my summer-time visit back home provided a great opportunity to reconnect with the area and some old friends.  I chose Airboat Tours by Arthur because it’s locally owned, has access to privately-owned marsh lands, canals and cypress swamps, and works with locals like Captain Craig who intimately know the territory. (While his tours are great, Arthur ain’t exactly web-savvy, so the best way to book is to call:  985-758-5531)

Captain Craig: Naturalist and Storyteller

Captain Craig guides the air boat and alligator tours through the swamp. OurTravelCafe.com
Captain Craig is an entrepreneurial naturalist, knowledgeable about Cajun history and a master of swamp lore. When he’s not calling gators from the marsh, Craig’s likely deep into some story about the swinging dating lives of alligators, real-life Cajun characters or regional folk lore.

Captain Craig might best be described as an entrepreneurial naturalist, combining love for his native South Louisiana environment with responsible business ventures. His roots run deep, as his dad was born on a houseboat on Bayou Des Allemands, and an artificial reef in Lake Pontchartrain is named in honor of Vincent Matherne’s conservation contributions.  Craig managed his family’s boat and marine business, operated fishing charters in Grand Isle, is a licensed waterway pilot and frequently serves as a technical consultant on university, government and private environmental and conservation research projects.

In addition to his expertise in the local natural environments, Captain Craig is knowledgeable about Cajun history and a master of swamp lore, as evidenced by his non-stop, Cajun-accented narration at every tour stop. So when he’s not calling gators from the marsh, tempting them onto the boat, or petting them on their snouts, Craig’s likely deep into some story about natural habitat, the swinging dating lives of alligators, real-life Cajun characters or regional folk lore.

Tall cypress trees are a perfect place for swamp ghost and monster stories. OurTravelCafe.com
Deep in the cypress swamp, Captain Craig whispered that we should keep watch for the Rougarou, a half Big Foot, half werewolf swamp-dwelling creature.

Just over half-way through our tour, Captain Craig navigated the boat deep into a huge stand of ancient cypress trees. High above in the canopy, he pointed out an active bald eagle’s nest. As he completed a botanically-accurate rendition of how the cypress stand was created, the swamp rustled as a slight breeze stirred the heavy air. An air-borne mullet splashed into the channel behind us. Craig looked, then stared deeply into the surrounding brush, concern etched on his face. Whispering, he asked our Hawaiian visitors to keep watch for the Rougarou, a half Big Foot, half werewolf swamp-dwelling creature known well to the locals.

A good laugh and half-minute later, Craig was relating the full story of the Rougarou, and sharing its origin stories from the European werewolf and tracing it through the Caribbean Islands legend of an old woman in league with the devil, the Loupgarou. Believe me, if you’ve ever been on a tour where a guide read from a script or simply went through memorized motions, you’ll truly appreciate the down-home authenticity of Captain Craig.

While Captain Craig coaxed gators near and up onto the boat, this definitely falls into the “don’t try this at home” category. These cold-blooded behemoths pack a 2,500-pounds-per-square-inch snapping power.

Gators Galore

But let’s face it, for anyone who’s ever watched an episode of Swamp People on History Channel, the alligators are the main attraction of this tour. Ironically, they were nearly wiped out here by the side effects of DDT, once the area’s go-to insecticide that also destroyed the egg shells of native gators and the Louisiana state bird, the pelican. After a DDT ban and time on the endangered and protected species lists, both gators and pelicans have returned in large numbers here. Gators are nocturnal, so on an evening tour after eggs are hatched in late summer, it’s not unusual to spot hundreds of gator eyes reflecting their eerie red glow from the water’s surface. On this hot August day while most of the cold-blooded behemoths were chilling in deep holes, we spotted approximately 10 large gators, including Lucky Pierre. Later, we met Louise, a 9-footer estimated to be 30 to 35 years old, with teeth rubbed down to small nubs from years of biting and fighting.  Unfortunately for us, Big Al and Big Bubba, two of the largest gators measuring over 12 feet, remained hidden from our boat.

Don’t let that smiling face fool you. Louise is a 30+ year-old, 9-foot-long gator, a seasoned fighter, and a swamp survivor. Her teeth are worn down to nubs from years of swamp fighting and lots of biting.

While Captain Craig coaxed three gators to come closer with his calls and the promise of chicken, luring gators definitely falls into “don’t-try-this-at-home” category. They are lightning fast over short distance, and adults pack a bone-crunching 2,500-pound-per-square-inch snapping force. And while alligators have two sets of eye lenses adapted for optimum viewing in the murky swamp water, their prehistoric brains don’t allow them to process subtle differences between chicken thrown to them and the hands throwing it. And despite the small amount of chicken they get from the tours, huge hungers require them to continue wild hunting to survive.  I’ll also note that feeding gators in the wild is illegal, and that the gators on our tour only could be fed because they are on private lands.

Know Before You Go

The Real Deal. If you need a bit more convincing, Captain Craig has posted some pictures and videos of his tours and gator encounters. You can preview them before you go – or visit after your tour if you just can’t get enough gator time — on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Also, we learned at the end of our tour from landowner Ray Matherne that part of his property would be hunted for gators during the upcoming season. You won’t see this location on Swamp People and the area we toured shouldn’t be affected by the hunting.

Two cajun men in an aluminum boat, land owners where our air boat swamp tour was offered.  OurTravelCafe.com
While you may not see it on History Channel’s Swamp People, these local land owners will be allowing some of this swamp to be hunted during the upcoming gator season.

Local restaurants. Once you’re outside of New Orleans, local restaurants come down in price and up in authenticity. The original location of Spahr’s Seafood in Des Allemands is located in a converted Exxon station and serves some of the best local catfish from the Catfish Capital of the Universe. Also, if it’s available, check out the turtle soup. And though after 25-pluse years in the restaurant business I still find this hard to say, a regional convenience store called Birdies Fuel and Food has some of the best fish and shrimp poboys I’ve ever eaten, and at a bargain price. Another nearby favorite in Boutte is Cajun Kitchen, again with prices not inflated by New Orleans overhead.

Pelican flies from a piling at Spahr's Seafood in Des Allemands.  OurTravelCafe.com
Combining the best of local seafood, Cajun cooking and close-up swamp views, Sphar’s original location in a former Exxon station near Des Allemands is a great dining choice.

Buying local seafood. Where once you could drive along the bayou road and find fresh-caught catfish, shrimp and crabs sold directly off the boat, food safety and licensing requirements make that difficult – if not impossible – for out-of-town visitors.  A local might give you a recommendation on where to find some. Otherwise, Hebert’s Seafood in Boutte offers a good variety of fresh, in-season local favorites.

Destrehan Plantation. If you want a break from New Orleans but only have a day, plan to visit Destrehan Plantation in the morning, then take an airboat tour in the afternoon.  Destrehan is the oldest plantation on the Mississippi and is well-restored. For ghost and pirate hunters, Destrehan Plantation has the best of both worlds – alleged ghost sightings of Pirate Jean Lafitte under the broad oaks where slave auctions once were conducted.

Jean Lafitte National Park. For more Cajun culture and experiences, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve is a multi-location treasure featuring different aspects of Louisiana life. In nearby Thibodaux, the Wetlands Acadian Cultural Center often features a wide range of south Louisiana’s music: zydeco, gospel, blues, jazz, Cajun, and more. Historic walking tours and boat rides also are available.  Further into Cajun Country in Lafayette, the park’s Acadian Cultural Center tells stories of the origins, migration, and culture of the Acadians who became known as Cajuns.

Other Adventures You Might Like

If you enjoyed this post, here are a few of our others with similar tour and activity themes you may also enjoy:

Remembering Des Allemands Retail Stores. A growing-up story from this small fishing town in South Louisiana.

Love’n Lobster’n on the Lulu. After growing up in Louisiana, we had to check out lobster fishing while on a cruise stop in Bar Harbor, Maine. We chronicle the outing, and our adventures in lobster eating.

Salmon Fishing Lessons in Alaska.We heard from friends and neighbors that salmon fishing was a “must-try” while in Alaska. While in Ketchikan, we booked a half-day excursion that turned out to be much more than expected.

We Rented and RV! Now What? On a whim, we packed our family of three plus adult children and grandkids into a rented RV for a weekend get away. Here’s what we learned.

Air boat captain Craig Matherne poses with locals after swamp tour. OurTravelCafe.com
Proving that air boat tours and swamp stories aren’t just for visitors, my boyhood neighbor, Tommy McCulley (left) and me (right) pose with Captain Craig.

Hofbräuhaus München and More In 24-Hours or Less

Great travel is made better by great connections and good fortune.  And on a trip that included less than 24 hours in Munich, that’s how we wound up on a behind-the-scenes tour of Munich’s Hofbrauhaus, courtesy of good friend and former work colleague Dr. Martin Behle.

Of course, you know the Hofbrauhaus — Munich’s giant, iconic beer hall dating back to the late 1500 and now a global chain exporting German beer, food and fun around the world.  Visit any day, and it’s a giant party.  Inside, you’ll likely find an om-pa band in the cavernous dining areas, where wooden picnic-style tables create a cozy (and sometimes, suffocating!) closeness with locals and visitors alike.  On warm days, the crowd spills out into the beer garden and on the balconies.

Our behind-the-scenes tour was not the public brewery tour, but a privately-arranged tour of the massive beer hall complex.  While we greatly enjoyed the tour, that likely was because I spent more than 25 years in the restaurant equipment business, so my definition of “enjoyment” may be warped by regular travel standards. And yes, before and after the tour, we greatly enjoyed a selection of beers and food.

An appetizing sampler tray of German cheeses, sausages and more delighted us before and after our Hofbrauhaus tour.

For those into the art of brewing, Hofbrauhaus does offer a brewery tour.  It’s available Monday through Thursday, and only by reservation at least 14 days in advance.  Groups are limited to a maximum of 30 people, and it’s recommended you book much earlier than the 14-day window to be assured your choice of tours.

Here are some thoughts on consuming the food, beer and hospitality that Munich has to offer — even in a mere 24 hours:

Focus on the City Center, Marienplatz.  Don’t waste your short visit trying to do everything and wind up stuck in transit doing nothing.  Instead, find a hotel near the city center, and start your visit at Marienplatz.  We stayed at The Louis Hotel, an upscale location that TripAdvisor.Com lists as the No. 16 hotel in the city. In addition to a wide variety of restaurants and shops, the Neues Rathaus (new town hall), Altes Rathaus (old town hall) and historic churches like Alte St. Peter and the Frauenkirche are nearby. The two churches offer tower views of the city.  Enjoy a pleasant walk and snap lots of pictures and Munich is a ready-to-frame photographers dream world.

Altes Rathaus (old town hall) and many other sites make Munich is a ready-to-frame photographers dream world

Consider a Bike Tour.  Munich is very bike friendly, and there are a number of bike tour operators that do a great job giving a city overview for the active visitor. Munich Bike Tours and Rentals and Mike’s Bike Tours offer a variety of small-group tours in English, and are located near Marienplatz. They also offer bike rental if you want to explore on your own.

Don’t Be Afraid to of Public Transportation.  The trains of the underground U-Bahn and the above-ground trains and trams of the S-Bahn are clean, safe and (fairly) easy to navigate. Maps are easy-t0-understand, fares are reasonable, and the system goes everywhere. The Marienplatz station is the center of the system, and provides easy (if somewhat overwhelming and confusing) options to go almost anywhere. If you only have 24 hours, don’t spend it on the train.  But if you have more time, use the U-Bahn and S-Bahn to travel easily.

Do Visit a Beer Hall or Beer Garden.  Yes, go to Hofbrauhaus, and enjoy the beer, food and atmosphere.  And, if you decide to go elsewhere, there are many great choices beyond this iconic location.  Chinesischer Turm beer garden is located in the English Gardens.  If your 24 hours starts in early afternoon, you may decide to go out for a visit and a beer, then head back into the center of the city. Other great choices — depending on your beer tastes and time available — include Augustinerkeller, Muffatwerk (in an old power plant), and Lowenbraukeller.

In Germany, follow the parade. Chances are it will lead to some local festival or event.

Look for Local Events. We were walking in Marienplatz, and a parade started to organize.  We didn’t have time on a Saturday morning to follow along.  If something like this happens to you in Munich (or almost anywhere in Germany, for that matter), join in and see where it leads. We’ve enjoyed any number of local festivals in small towns and larger ones just by following a crowd or getting a local tip.

More Below the Photographs:

Links to some of the businesses and locations mentioned here can be found following these photographs.

Inside, the Hofbrauhaus beer hall features wooden tables and an om-pa band. On warm days and summer evenings, the beer garden and balconies are overflowing — even if the chairs aren’t comfortable.

Since our private tour took us to the food preparation areas, we had to wear protective gear. I swear we were in focus when the camera beer goggles were applied.

Germany Munich Hofbrauhaus Tour VIdeo
Good friend and former work colleague Dr. Martin Behle arranged our tour. He used the event to debut a new marketing video starring — you guessed it! — Dr. Martin Behle.

Helpful Links:

Here are links to topics and locations mentioned in this article:

Natural Orlando, in “Leu” of Theme Parks

It’s hard to believe that once – and not so long ago — Central Florida was a sleepy backwater surrounded by orange groves, swamps and a natural landscape conducive to jungle-thick plant growth. But unless you’re a botanist or professional horticulturalist, chances are today you visit Central Florida for man-made wonders and encounters with cartoon animals that largely have displaced the plentiful fauna and robust flora that originally earned the state its name.

Lake overlook at Leu Gardens in Orlando
Central Florida once was a sleepy backwater surrounded by orange groves, swamps and a natural landscape conducive to jungle-thick plant growth. You can still find it — in the shadows of downtown Orlando

Whether you’re inspired by a desire for natural beauty or simply motivated by that empty feeling where your wallet once sat, it’s easy, inexpensive and convenient to enjoy a day with nature near the heart of the Orlando area. In fact, natural beauty blooms in Orlando’s year-round sunny light, with not a mouse, dolphin, or magic wand in sight. And to prolong your escape from the hustle and bustle around I-4, there’s a swan boat located nearby, almost next door.

Flowers bloom at Henry Leu Botanical Gardens in Orlando
Seeking respite from the touristy tyranny of the mouse and wizards, we discovered the natural beauty of Harry Leu Botanical Gardens.

Seeking respite from the touristy tyranny of the mouse and wizards, yet wanting to enjoy an active beautiful spring day, we remembered that our annual membership to the Atlanta Botanical Garden offered free reciprocal admissions to member gardens affiliated with the  American Horticultural Society. A quick web search led us to Harry P. Leu Gardens, located in the shadows of the high-rises of today’s downtown Orlando.

It’s easy to love Leu, once you find it. When we visited, driving in from the South near theme park central required a winding trek through I-4 construction zones, veering sharply with little notice on to poorly-marked exits, and a series of Google Maps directed turns through downtown and nearby residential districts.

Wide walkways and well marked paths for easy access at Leu Gardens, OurTravelCafe.com
The gardens are a walker’s paradise, with well-marked, wide walkways providing easy access. In our two-plus hour visit, I recorded nearly 6,000 steps of walking

But once we arrived, we left all of that behind and immersed ourselves in the natural setting, casually exploring the 14 garden sections and attraction areas while literally taking time to smell the roses, camellias, magnolias and other blooming plants. Harry P. Leu Gardens is a walker’s paradise, with well-marked, wide walkways providing easy access for both the fully and differently-abled. In our two-plus hour visit, I recorded nearly 6,000 steps of walking (slightly under three miles) on my trusty Garmin Vivoactive HR. Complimentary wheelchairs are available (on a first-come, first served basis) for those who might find long walks a bit challenging, and there are plenty of opportunities for youngsters to roam and explore without getting into sensitive or off-limit areas. However, pets are not permitted, except for service animals.

Venturing into the tropical stream garden, we enjoyed the vivid colors of bromeliads and rain forest flora.

The helpful team at Leu Gardens has a suggested garden tour route, and even different versions for those with time limitations. And the map provided to visitors has well-marked sections featuring huge numbers and garden descriptions. But we ignored all those – not on purpose, but because we were distracted by the 2,000 blooming camellias and scenic overlooks of Lake Rowena. Thus, referencing the map-numbered attractions, our path went something like, 1, 2, 14, 10, 14, 12, 7  . . . well, you get the point. We laughed and wandered and sniffed in the face of suggested way-finding.

By the time our 150-minute visit was over, we visited all the garden’s sections, even though our time was shortened slightly by dark clouds on the horizon which released large drops of water in copious quantities just as we reached our car, then stopped before we reached the end of the entry driveway.

We walked under 200-year-old oak trees to enter the gardens. Visitors also can enjoy small lunches on the visitor center deck under the trees.

Entering under the 200-year-old oak trees outside the garden house (No. 1 on the tour map!), we ventured into the tropical stream garden (No. 2!) and enjoyed the vivid colors of bromeliads and rain forest flora. Then we turned off the numbered route to the Lake Rowena overlook, the North Woods and one of multiple camelia sections, which comprise one of the largest camellia collections in the US.  Next, we wandered into the palms and bamboo, both so jungle-thick and primal in appearance that we fully expected a small raptor might emerge at any moment, Jurrasic Park style. We continued to the South Woods, stopping for more camellias before reaching the White Garden, then circling the Arid Garden.

The palms and bamboo were jungle-thick and primal in appearance. We fully expected a small raptor might emerge at any moment, Jurassic Park style.

This path had taken us around the perimeter of the 50-acre garden, so we consulted our map and plotted a course to the garden’s heart – Mary Jane Leu’s rose garden.  After the Leus purchased their retreat in the 1940s, they traveled the world collecting plants, a life-long avocation. Meanwhile, Mary Jane Leu began planting roses near the lake, and in 1944, the first roses at the current rose garden site were planted.  Today, the rose garden features more than 200 different rose varieties and over 650 plants, all well-suited to the Central Florida climate.

The vibrant colors of the rose garden flowed over to the aptly-named color garden, a flashy collection of annuals and perennials.

After the rose garden, we explored the color garden, herb garden, the vegetable garden, the demonstration garden and chased butterflies – with our camera’s photo lens only! – in the butterfly garden. And though we live in the Northwest Georgia hills where growing conditions are very different, we stopped to read the helpful growing tips throughout each of these areas. 

We chased and successfully captured butterflies in the butterfly garden — but only with our telephoto lens.

All these garden areas are adjacent to the Leu House, now a museum and indefinitely closed since 2017 following heavy damage in Hurricane Irma. Prior to the hurricane, the Leu House had been restored and furnished to the 1940s time period. Closing your eyes and hoping a siren didn’t pierce the garden’s serenity, you could only imagine how splendid and tranquil living here would have been in those long-gone days before Walt Disney secretly purchased nearby swamp land and began the modern transformation.

Closing your eyes and hoping a siren didn’t pierce the garden’s serenity, you could only imagine how splendid and tranquil living here would have been in those long-gone days before Walt Disney secretly purchased nearby swamp land.

Instead of waxing nostalgic and getting on a rant about the need to preserve more of Florida’s remaining natural beauty, I’ll simply say this:  when in Orlando, visit Harry P. Leu Gardens. Even if you don’t have the benefit of free admission through the American Horticultural Society, a family visit is reasonably priced and highly enjoyable. And if you want, pack a lunch or bring in some food from a nearby restaurant as small bag lunches are allowed under the oak trees  on the patio of the Garden House.

More “Old Florida”

If we’ve tweaked your botanical or historical geek with this post, you may enjoy other “Old Florida” travel and entertainment ideas:

  • Mead Botanical Garden. Another 47-acres of natural Florida and landscaped beauty, Mead Botanical Garden is located across Lake Sue from Leu Gardens.  It’s less than 10 minutes away by car.
  • Lake Eola Swan Boats. Enjoy the scenery from the water with a swan boat rental. The City of Orlando rents the pedal-powered swan boats, perfect for a couples or family outing. You can frequently find Groupon offers for these rentals.  Tourists and locals rave about the fun experience, and you can check out some of their comments on Trip Advisor.
  • Classic Florida attractions. If you’re in a Jimmy Buffett nostalgic rage, just step right up and act your age, visiting some of these classic Florida attractions.  Most are outside of Orlando. Gatorland in Kissimmee is nearest, and the mermaids of Weeki Wachi Springs are my favorites.
  • Novels by Carl Hiaasen and Tim Dorsey.  Both of these Florida writers came out of the newspaper business, Carl Hiaasen with the Miami Herald and Tim Dorsey with the Tampa Tribune. Both feature novels that describe parts of “Old Florida” with reverence and love, while telling whacked-out stories of about the kind of assorted lunatics who today make real-life news under the headlines “Florida Man.”  Of course, given my journalism degree and newspaper background, I may just have a soft spot for journalists who’ve done well.

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Disney, Orlando, Disney Free, Florida, Magic Kingdom, Epcot

Free Di$ney Day $aved Hundred$. We found Leu Gardens because we were in the Disney doldrums. On a previous visit, when our physical batteries and wallets were empty, we used our creativity to entertain the grand kids without spending a bundle.

Mardi Gras and Moon Pies in Mobile. Though New Orleans may own the most recognized pre-Lenten celebration in the US, it actually originated about 150 miles east in the sleepy port town of Mobile, Alabama. If you’re cruising I-10, check out this fun stop in downtown Mobile.

Toccoa Falls, GA

Short Hikes, Tall Georgia Waterfalls. Because we often have the grand kids or elderly parents along, we’ve been on the lookout for the tallest Georgia waterfalls requiring short walks for enjoying their spectacular plunges.

Finding Free Fun on Road Trips. With more time, an insatiable hunger for discovery, and age-related bladder requirements, we’re traveling at slower speeds with more stops along the way. We use this app to help us find hidden treasures.

Goats on a Roof, Tourist Attraction,

Our Newest Adventures. We’re adding new stuff more regularly these days, catching up with our posts after some extended travel and some family distractions. Find all our latest at our blog, including lobsters, Lincoln, lizard people, and more!

Lovin’ Lobster’n on the Lulu


Growing up in South Louisiana along the bayous, lakes, river and Gulf, we learned early that if something swam or crawled in the water, it likely was good eatin’. 

We poled and cast lines to catch all varieties of fish in the bayous and canals near Des Allemands, LA, proclaimed the Catfish Capital of the Universe by the Louisiana state legislature.  We caught crabs off fishing piers using string, chicken necks and a net. We trawled the bottoms of lakes and the Gulf of Mexico for white and brown shrimp, pulling large nets behind small boats bobbing on white-capped waters. And, of course, we slogged among the snakes through the mud-bottomed swamps in waist-high water wearing knee-high boots to catch that Louisiana delicacy, crawfish.

Thus, it should come as no surprise that during a trip to Maine, we had to experience lobstering. We weren’t residents of Maine, thus didn’t qualify for a lobster fishing license. And we didn’t have the time nor the tolerance to toil for a season as a deck hand on a local lobster boat, as attractive as that might have sounded (not!). But on a one-day cruise ship stop in Bar Harbor, we found the near-perfect solution – the Lulu Lobster Boat tour.

Lulu Lobster Boat Bar Harbor ME
Lulu Lobster Boat is a commercial lobstering vessel, converted for comfortable educational and scenic tours. She docks near Main Street, and behind the street-side ticket booth.

I say near perfect for two nit-picky reasons. First, growing up in the Sixties, the idea of a three-hour tour leaving any harbor with nearby islands stirred some Gilligan-like skittishness from deep inside my memory banks.  And second, according to the website, this was more observation than participation, and didn’t offer the catch-clean-eat options like our salmon fishing trip in Alaska.

Putting that first concern aside and recognizing that finding fresh lobster near Bar Harbor likely would be as simple as bead collecting for a topless twenty-something at Mardi Gras, we pre-purchased our tickets through Trip Advisor before leaving home.

We sailed into Bar Harbor on Holland America’s Zaandam on a perfect June morning — not a cloud in the sky and a warming trend pushing temperatures to the mid-70s by the our 10 am tour departure time. For the record, I also had checked the weather reports since the first five days of our cruise had been plagued by rain, wind and lots of motion from the ocean. The not-perfect storm that followed us up the St. Lawrence River had weakened and moved well out to sea. No Minnow or Lulu tossing-weather was expected, though I still did attract an odd stare or two when I hummed the Ballad of Gilligan’s Island as we cast off.

Lulu Lobster Boat Tour Fresh Pies Dockside
We arrived in Bar Harbor, ME, on a perfect June day and were greeted by fresh-baked blueberry pies in a dockside window. The not-so-perfect storm that had been following us was now well out to sea.

Let’s also get some other details on the record. The Lulu Lobster Boat is an actual lobstering vessel, common to what you’d find in ports along the Atlantic coast from Massachusetts to Maine and into Nova Scotia. As required by law, the operators possess a lobstering license, although it’s a demonstration license which prohibits keeping the catch. They use commercial traps that support sustainability and safety for lobsters and humans alike. Their traps are identified by uniquely-painted lobster buoys that dot the surface everywhere.  And the crew is made up of local marine-experienced Mainers.

But that’s where the similarities to commercial lobster fishing end. Lulu Lobster Boat has been reconfigured for comfort, with rows of padded seats in the center and around the perimeter, covered by a Bimini top to block sun and rain. Sides can zip down in cold or rainy weather, which wasn’t necessary for us. And, unlike Skipper Jonas Grumby, captain Finn and first mate Galen assured us that the Lulu stays in port if the Bar Harbor weather is expected to start getting rough.

Lulu Lobster Boat Tour Sailing Past Cruise Ship
Motoring through the harbor past our cruise ship and around the man-made breakwater, our first-mate regaled us with area history, nearby landmarks and local stories of townies and fishermen alike.

We threw off the moorings at the end of an ebbing tide, watching intrepid hikers walking across the now-exposed land-bridge over to Bar Island and kayakers paddling away from the downtown docks for their own excursions. A few gulls circled overhead then turned back, knowing that this tour boat wasn’t worth the effort to follow for three hours in exchange for a paltry few fish.

Motoring through the harbor past our cruise ship and around the man-made breakwater, first-mate Galen regaled us with area history, nearby landmarks and local stories of townies and fishermen alike. Gliding further from the harbor, the peaks of Acadia National Park loomed in the distance as we sailed toward the seal-laden shore of Bird Island and the Bird Island Lighthouse.

Lulu Lobster Tour Seals on Egg Rock Island
Families of seals sunned on the sand as we idled just off Egg Rock Island. Large seals labored further ashore, flapping their flippers and flopping their bodies to gain a few inches of drier shore.

Leaving lobstering for a little later, we idled just off shore of Egg Rock Island, with binoculars and cameras pointed toward the beach. Hundreds of huge seals sunned on the sand and rocks while the hungry dove nearby for underwater treats. By now, the tide was rising slowly, and the larger seals labored further ashore, flapping their flippers and flopping their bodies to gain a few inches of drier shore with each effort. As we changed direction to circle the island, the unmistakable stench of dead fish, bird poop and assorted ocean detritus drifted overhead, prompting shrieks and gasps from the youngsters onboard. That combination – and a few parents saying loudly that their kids looked sick — encouraged Captain Finn to accelerate, get upwind, and hasten to the next highlight on the circle tour of the island – the lighthouse itself.

From a safe distance offshore, First Mate Galen recited a quick history of the lighthouse and its keepers. He added a few stories of how intrepid light-bearers braved Maine winters and weather to keep their light burning brightly, then explained how modern navigation and automation made the lighthouses obsolete. Just as the youngsters began to look bored, Galen started talking about the fog horn, which sounded loudly, as if on-cue. After a few moments of wide-eyed amazement by the kids, Galen explained how radios in nearby boats now are used to sound the horn, as Captain Finn grinned widely with the radio control in hand.

Lone bird on Egg Rock Island, Bar Harbor, ME. OurTravelCafe.com
Circling the island, the unmistakable stench of dead fish, bird poop and assorted ocean detritus drifted overhead, prompting shrieks and gasps from the youngsters onboard. That combination – and a few parents saying loudly that their kids looked sick — encouraged Captain Finn to accelerate and get upwind

One more short ride and it was time for the real lobstering. In the smooth seas of a protected cove in wonderful weather, Captain Finn snagged the float line, attached the winch, and pulled the traps easily to the boat while Galen narrated the steps. Each trap revealed multiple lobsters of varying size, plus a few crabs. Captain Finn demonstrated the measuring process and tossed the smaller crustaceans back into the sea for another day. Galen led an onboard show-and-tell with the larger specimens, revealing body parts, determining gender, and engaging the kids to place the claw bands. Then, we all had the chance to pose for pictures with the lobster, including some feigned lobster-kissing. After everyone had a turn, the lucky lobsters were returned to the water to rejoin sea-faring friends and family – a legal requirement for the demonstration license held by the Lulu.

Banding lobster claws on Lulu Lobster Boat. OurTravelCafe.com
Our first-mate led an on-board show-and-tell with the larger lobsters, revealing body parts, determining gender, and engaging hesitant kids to place the claw bands.
Lobster kissing on Lulu Lobster Boat Tour. OurTravelCafe.com
The willing and silly were encouraged to try a Maine tradition of lobster kissing. But I’m not convinced that it’s a tradition — except to entertain tour guides!

With our appetites now set to lobster, we returned to the dock where our party – and many others – headed directly to the plethora of lobster and seafood restaurants in Bar Harbor. We chose Stewman’s Lobster Pound, conveniently located right on the dock and offering a choice of dock-side or indoor dining. When we returned to Bar Harbor by car later in our trip, we sampled other lobster pound locations in the area that offered better prices. On our final day visiting Bar Harbor and trekking to the Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse in Acadia National Park, we found Beal’s Lobster Pier in Southwest Harbor and agreed it was our favorite. At this combination of seafood market, restaurant and lobster-shipping located on a working lobster dock off the beaten path, we picked a 3-pound lobster to share. We added clams, corn and potatoes, plus a few adult beverages. Then, we sat in the sun away from the Bar Harbor crowds, pulling lobster meat from the abdomen and head, plus every claw, knuckle, foot and tail joint we could pry open. Our lobster bibs captured or deflected most of the flying liquids and shell shrapnel, but lucky for us we didn’t have any close encounters with tourists, cats or scavengers for the remainder of the day.

Lobster eating at Stewman's, dockside in Bar Harbor. OurTravelCafe.com
Following the tour on the Lulu, we enjoyed eating lobster and more at Stewman’s Lobster Pound, located dockside in Bar Harbor. Our lobster bibs captured or deflected most of the flying liquids and shell shrapnel.

On reflection, we learned that lobstering was like the other seafood harvesting we had done growing up in Louisiana. But mostly, we simply enjoyed the three-hour tour and would recommend it to anyone visiting the Bar Harbor area.

Beal's Lobster Pier, Southwest Harbor, ME OurTravelCafe.com
On a post-cruise return trip, we discovered and enjoyed Beal’s Lobster Pier in Southwest Harbor. It’s off the beaten path on the way to Bass Head Lighthouse, and offers dockside dining.

Know If You Go:

  • Advance sales. While tickets are sold at the dock, we’d recommend advance purchase if you’re visiting during peak season. We found Lulu Lobster Boat on TripAdvisor.com, where we read lots of great reviews but found tickets weren’t available. So we headed over to Lulu’s website and bought our tickets directly, receiving fast e-mail confirmations and easy ticket processing.
  • Cruise tours. Bar Harbor is a popular cruise stop for several major lines, and some of the lines offer Lulu Lobster Boat as a packaged excursion. While it’s always convenient to purchase directly from the cruise line, prices are higher. But you also eliminate any risk – no matter how low! – of missing an early tour due to slow tendering into town or missing your sailing due to some unforeseen problem.
  • Lobster ice cream. Yes, it’s a real thing. Someone best described it as an unhappy marriage of sweet treats and salty sea fare, and I can’t improve on that. We tried it at Ben and Bill’s Chocolate Emporium in Bar Harbor, then bought other items that were more to our liking. That said, our favorite ice cream spot was Mt. Desert Island Ice Cream, where we didn’t even ask about a lobster flavor.
Mt Dessert Ice Cream Bar Harbor ME, OurTravelCafe.com
While we tried the lobster ice cream at Ben and Bill’s, we preferred the wide variety of other fearless flavors at Mt Dessert Ice Cream Bar Harbor ME.

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Lobster doing head stands on Lulu Lobster Boat. OurTravelCafe.com
In addition to the educational information on lobster fishing and local story telling, we enjoyed lobster gymnastics onboard.
Holland America Zaandam cruise departure, Montreal, OurTravelCafe.com
We left Montreal on the Zaandam in great weather, and arrived in Bar Harbor to a perfect June morning. But in between, a not-so-perfect storm followed us on multiple stops along the St. Lawrence and Nova Scotia coastline.

Our Accidental Presidential Summer

This has become our summer of accidental Presidential discovery. What started as a rainy-day choice in Boston to visit the JFK Presidential Library and Museum unintentionally has morphed into some sort of historical executive office holder preoccupation determining vacation driving routes, touring activities, podcast choices and future travel.

I.M. Pei-designed atrium at John F. Kennedy Museum and Library, Boston, MA
The JFK Presidential Library with the I.M. Pei-designed atrium marked the first stop on our summer of accidental Presidential discovery. It seemed as if JFK was walking with us, launching our Presidential discovery journey just as his space challenge aimed our early rockets toward the moon.

Our unplanned explorations have been fortuitous, educational and topical. Our visit to Springfield, IL, the adult hometown, political launching pad and burial place of Abraham Lincoln, just happened to be one of the few potential stops on an otherwise boring drive through the farmlands from St. Louis Chicago. While we originally planned a short tour of Lincoln’s Home at the Lincoln Home National Historic Site, we became immersed in the legend of Lincoln and invested many more hours in Springfield and at the Lincoln Museum and Library.

Similarly, as we considered potential overnight and tour stops on our long drive back from Chicago to Atlanta, we selected Nashville primarily because we could visit Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage. Growing up near New Orleans in in the 1950s-70s, Andrew Jackson was a fixture of my youth, from playing Johnny Horton’s version of “Battle of New Orleans” on guitar to amazement at the artistry and engineering of the Clark Mills statue of the famous general and his horse, balanced magically on its hind legs, in front of St. Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square.

Route Map of our 2019 summer travels to three Presidential museums covered 6,200 miles and 11 states.
Blue was by land, red by sea, and green in the air. Our 6,200+ miles of mixed travel led us to three Presidential sites, with a desire for more. Though Glenda wanted to see how the Nixon Library dealt with Watergate, Yorba Linda, CA, just wasn’t on this route.

Along the way, with our playlist of “Stuff You Missed in History Class” exhausted, we stumbled on the podcast “Presidential,” recorded during the 2016 campaign and focused on an examination of the traits, characteristics and lessons learned from both successful leaders and lesser-known executive office holders. We’ve completed 18 episodes of the ~45-minute program during our 3,800+ mile traversing of the South and Midwest. For those not familiar, that means we’ve covered all presidents from founding fathers George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson to war heroes likes Andrew Jackson and Zachary Taylor, through the nation’s greatest test under Abraham Lincoln and its painful recovery under Andrew Johnson and Ulysses S. Grant.

Growing up in the age of Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon, I dreamed of a career in politics, but the “good” kind where you are a faithful public servant helping people and reforming all that is broken.

I can explain this from my own perspective. Long ago in my foolish youth, I selected political science as my first college major. Coming on the heels of Watergate and the Nixon drama, all things politics fascinated me. I even held out a dream of a career in politics – you know, the “good” kind where you are a faithful public servant helping people and reforming all that is broken. But even then, with starry eyed optimism and enthusiasm as a guide, my basic introversion led me away from that course of study and potential career choice into something with slightly more upside – newspaper journalism. I mean, media most often were the good guys, advocating for the people against powerful governments and corrupt leaders using only true facts and the power of the pen. Plus, newspapers, radio and television had reached equilibrium. Radio became home for talk shows and opinion.  Television delivered fast visual news around the clock from a relatively new-and-growing global all-news network. And print media in the form of national magazines delivered deep, thoughtful analysis while regional newspapers offered both home-town information and the local perspective on national issues. Clearly, journalism was an honorable profession with lots of opportunity! What could go wrong?

Despite starry-eyed optimism, introversion guided me into a career with more upside — newspaper journalism. After Watergate, media were the good guys. What could go wrong?

Aside from the highlights of our actual visits – which I promise are upcoming! – what has fascinated me most about all this has been the agreement and participation of our 14-year old son and my wife, Glenda. I never would have expected them to become interested instigators and happy participants in this summer history tour. By her own proclamation, Glenda HATED history in high school, especially the rote memorization of names and dates often used as a crutch by history teachers who apparently resented their own career choices. And Eli’s interests are those of a typical 14-year old, which generally means nothing appeals more than motion on an electronic device screen. Yet, they are requesting the next podcast and suggesting future destinations like the nearby Jimmy Carter Library in Atlanta and the Little White House in Warm Springs, GA. Do I dare potentially incur their wrath by pointing out that we drove right past Grant’s Farm in St. Louis, originally a working property of US Grant before it became an animal refuge and tourist attraction operated by the beer-famous Busch family?

Script of John Kennedy inaugural address with edits to the famous "ask not" phrase
The final script for Kennedy’s inaugural address includes his personal edits, including the famous “Ask not” phrase. Kennedy’s presence in notes, words and video makes the JFK site much more than a museum.

I’m convinced that our first visit to the JFK Presidential Library and Museum launched our journey just as JFK’s leadership and challenge aimed our early rockets into space and to the moon. Kennedy’s presidency, and even more so, his assassination and funeral, was seared into my childhood memory. Still, with many history-based tour sites, experience quality for all but the most serious scholars is influenced greatly by multimedia exhibits and tour guides. Our JFK docent guide was a Kennedy groupie, and I mean that in the positive sense of the term. She could hardly contain her storytelling, verbally self-editing so she didn’t run over her allotted time. She expertly supplemented and personally curated the exhibits, suggesting favorite artifacts and areas deserving more attention.

But it was Kennedy himself – his notes, his words and the video presentations of his speeches – that made this much more than a museum collection. Kennedy mastered popular culture and television as a new political medium, and those images plus his stirring words bring the museum to life.

Throughout the museum, Kennedy walks with you, speaking to you directly from video clips. The inspiring question, Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” The soaring challenge, “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” The casual joker, “I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris.” The global leader and face of democracy, “Ich bin en Berliner.”

John Kennedy signature and photo from the founding of the Peace Corp.
Our JFK docent was a Kennedy groupie, and I mean that in the positive sense of the term. She could hardly contain her storytelling and suggested favorite artifacts and areas deserving more attention, like this one from establishment of the Peace Corps.

Leaving the JFK museum, Glenda declared she wanted to visit other Presidential sites. Surprisingly, she expressed most interest in the Nixon Library, wondering how it handled the entire Watergate episode. But since Yorba Linda, CA, wasn’t on our 11-state, 4,569 car-miles summer itinerary, I suggested we might stop at Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage near Nashville as we returned to Georgia. Then, later in the summer, we might visit the Carter Library in Atlanta after we became reacquainted with our own home.

Fast forward a week, and we’re departing the Gateway Arch and Arch Park in St. Louis,  heading for Chicago. Facing the flat farmland on I-55, we realized our oldest daughter, Nicole, had made this drive many times. So we called and inquired.  Knowing about our visit to the JFK museum and our plans to visit the Jackson and Carter sites, she said, “Well, duh, you could stop in Springfield – home of Abraham Lincoln!” Feeling somewhat geographically and historically stupid at that moment, I set Google Maps first to the Lincoln Home Historic Site, then the Lincoln Museum and Library.

Lincoln is everywhere in Springfield, including a 31-foot traveling statue at the Lincoln Museum. My first impression: Why is Abraham Lincoln talking to former Speaker of the House John Boehner?

Whereas JFK accompanies you through the Boston museum, the sad, tired image of Honest Abe veritably haunts you at every turn in Springfield. He’s everywhere – in portraits, caricatures, Photoshopped-posters, souvenir centers, bronze statues, seriously played by actors and frivolously portrayed by impersonators. Oh, and let’s not forget – nor can you miss! – the 31-foot-tall Lincoln Returns statue on exhibit at the Lincoln Museum through September 2020. (Flashback: I saw this exhibit years ago in former Speaker of the House John Boehner’s home district, near the Old Courthouse in Troy, OH. I wondered to myself then, and again when seeing it in Springfield, “Why is there a statue of Abraham Lincoln talking to John Boehner?”)

Shouting headlines and figures lead to a lonely Lincoln considering the Emancipation Proclamation.
Divergent positions regarding the Emancipation Proclamation literally are shouted as a lonely Lincoln gives it his consideration. The museum pulls you into a 19th century America that is splitting at its geopolitical boundaries.

Walking through exhibits on Lincoln’s upbringing, his early life as a lawyer, his entry into politics then his time as president, Lincoln’s words evoke your mental imagery, together pulling you into a 19th century America that is splitting apart at its geopolitical boundaries.  The divergent positions are presented stunningly. Lincoln’s careful consideration of the Emancipation Proclamation is represented in long hallway where Lincoln sits alone, the approach to him featuring competing banners overhead and ghost-like figures in the walls that shout literally and figuratively their positions.

Current times sneak into the museum, too. The late journalist and long-time host of Meet the Press, Tim Russert, helped develop an exhibit that presents and reports the 1860 campaign in a current-day advertising and reporting format.

The 1860 campaign gets modern-day campaign and press coverage in an exhibit featuring the late Tim Russert, host of Meet the Press.
The late journalist and long-time host of Meet the Press, Tim Russert, helped develop an exhibit that presents and reports the 1860 campaign in a current-day advertising and reporting format.

Leaving Lincoln behind and digesting many more episodes of Presidential while driving, we arrived six days later in Nashville for our visit to Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage. Here, the most historically accurate early presidential home is the backdrop for the Jackson story. Carefully protected by both sides during the Civil War, Jackson’s thrice-expanded mansion majestically towers above the rolling hills, fields and farmlands that once comprised a working plantation housing over 200 enslaved people. Trying to consider the complex and contradictory story of Jackson himself, I found myself often changing my mental perspective during the visit, attempting to best appreciate the history and emotion of The Hermitage home and grounds. What was it like for plantation owners, enslaved workers or traveling dignitaries to visit here?

The rear view of Andrew Jackson's Hermitage plantation home, with a slave home in the foreground.
Trying to consider the complex and contradictory story of Jackson himself, I found myself often changing my mental perspective during the visit, attempting to imagine the realities of plantation owners, enslaved people and visiting dignitaries.

Confusion, reevaluation and changing perspectives are apparently common experiences for those who consider, study or portray Jackson. Even the primary movie at The Hermitage fell victim to this complexity: a new movie introduced in 2017 employs biographers Steve Inskeep and Jon Meacham to provide broader perspective rather than simply telling a chronological story.

Three-dimensional exhibits at the Jackson Museum highlight his contributions and controversies.
Confusion, reevaluation and changing perspectives are apparently common experiences for those who consider, study or portray Jackson. In today’s American, how do you best balance his military and leadership contributions with his slave-holding and Indian policy.

That brings me to the key learnings from our summer of accidental Presidential exploration. First, though the events and lives are in the past, how they are understood, presented and perceived continues to change over time. Each generation and each individual adopts a slightly different perspective. Sometime, the lenses of history sharpen the focus, but create more complexity than clarity as we interpret past events through today’s perspectives. That’s the case of Andrew Jackson.  In other instances, understanding the depth of historical challenges elevates even more the legendary status of great leaders like Abraham Lincoln.

And second, never underestimate the power of a long summer driving vacation to learn new things about even those closest to you.

Family photo in front of the Lincoln Home in Springfield, IL.
Relying on the kindness of strangers, here’s the obligatory family photo in front of Lincoln’s adult home in Springfield. Along the journey, I learned to never underestimate the power of a long summer driving vacation to learn new things about those closest to you.
Trivia Time: Seems there was a Stormy angle in the 1960 election, based on this cover from Newsweek magazine. If you know what the reference to Stormy K means, leave a note on the comment form.

Secrets of Travel Exercise


Any doctor or fitness coach will tell you that regular exercise is essential to long term health, and that some exercise is better than none. At home, my weekly goal is 300 minutes of active exercise time, which I track on my trusty Garmin VivoActive HR watch. That usually requires some combination of trips to the gym, hiking in the surrounding hills, long bike rides on a nearby trail and brisk walking.

But following an exercise routine while traveling can be a major challenge. If you’re anything like me, you can use virtually any excuse to remain in a comfy hotel bed and skip a workout while traveling:

  • My schedule’s too busy.
  • I forgot my exercise clothes.
  • The hotel gym doesn’t have the right equipment.

Well, you get the idea.  I can be a chronic excuse-maker on the road. And while some days I still do force myself into a less-than-perfect gym to get in some elliptical, treadmill or exercise bike time, I’ve found that brisk, high-speed walks in local parks, on trails or city sidewalks are a great way to get exercise and discover the places I travel.  I’ve used this approach around the corner and around the world to maintain an exercise routine and find hidden treasures that often make up some of my favorite travel memories and photos.

Safety First!

Before I go on, a few words of caution. If you’re not familiar with an area, always check with local experts about safety and security in the surrounding area. While there is no such thing as a “perfectly safe” area, a quick question at a hotel desk or a (non-emergency!) call to the local police can help keep you out of high-risk areas and unnecessary problems.  It’s a good idea to alert someone about your plans, especially if you’re traveling alone.  Do carry your cell phone in case of any potential trouble, as you can use it to call for help or it can be used to locate you in case you encounter some difficulty.  In parks or on trails, stick to the marked and traveled paths, be aware of your surroundings and situation, and trust your safety instincts if you sense any discomfort or danger. By doing so, you can often avoid trouble simply by turning around, altering your route, or staying closer to other people.

My best secret for travel exercise: brisk, high-speed walks are great to get exercise and discover the places I travel, around the corner and around the world.

City Strolls

I love watching a major city shake off its overnight slumber and feeling the energy level pick up around me. From Chicago to Singapore, Las Vegas to London, Dubai to Denver and Tokyo to Toronto, there’s nothing like feeling your own heart rate accelerate from a brisk walk while joggers run by, traffic starts to quicken, and the aroma of coffee and baked goods wafts out onto the street from diners and restaurants.

A good early-morning city walk requires some advanced planning.  Most city hotels will provide route maps or tips for joggers that work equally well for walking. If those aren’t available, I often rely on local tourist resources like walking tour maps and shopping area shuttle routes as potential pathways. And where possible, I try to identify a well-known walk-up coffee shop or diner where I can end my walk and enjoy breakfast.

For example, in Chicago, early morning is a great time to walk the full length of the Magnificent Mile. The sidewalks are empty, and traffic is light, so it’s easy to maintain a good pace. Another favorite is to follow the route of the free trolley that connects the Magnificent Mile and Navy Pier, allowing for an uncrowded stroll along the pier and a great view of the city’s famous skyline. Or, Chicago’s extended River Walk and the Lakeshore Trail are great options, too. On any of these, I can route my journey to end at West Egg or Eggy’s Diner, two of my favorite downtown breakfast spots.

In Las Vegas, I’m often awake early because of my Eastern Time zone orientation, so I’ll head out onto The Strip at sunrise to enjoy the coolest weather of the day, all the marquees and lights that make the city famous, plus some spectacular natural colors as the sun peaks out from behind the mountain to the east.

Marina Bay resort in Singapore
A walk along the Singapore River offered great views of the Marina Bay Sands Resort.

In Singapore, my hotel provided a walking map that guided me out to the Singapore River Walk for some early and uncrowded speed walking plus great riverfront views of the Merlion and the Marina Sands resort. Similarly, in Dubai, waking early after my 18-hour journey, the friendly hotel staff provided a hand-drawn route that guided me through a local neighborhood and into a produce market, and recommended I wait to depart at the end of the dawn prayer call to respect the sacred ritual. If you prefer not to rely on the recommendations of an individual, you can always look up potential routes in advance, like these others in Dubai.

Small Town Walks

During my career in the restaurant equipment business, many of our factories and operating locations were in smaller towns where entrepreneurial founders established local businesses later acquired by our global company. Visiting often meant staying in local motel and inns, the most memorable of which were in small English, Swiss, German and Italian towns. Since we were in the restaurant business, our hosts always made it a point to arrange exquisite dinners by renowned chefs who used our various kitchen equipment.  A few nights of that kind of entertainment made exercise a real necessity, but few of the inns offered gyms. Thus, morning walks were necessary to shake off the effects of the prior night and minimize the inevitable weight gain of these long trips.

Morning on a German city street
A few nights of exquisite dinners prepared by renowned chefs made exercise a real necessity to shake the effects of the prior night and minimize the inevitable weight gain.

One of my traveling colleagues was an avid runner with the same morning schedule as me, so we often met in the lobby to compare route notes before departure. We planned 30 to 45-minute outings, then ventured on our separate routes to meet later for breakfast and coffee. Herborn, Murnau and Eglfing, Germany, were among our favorite explorations.

Natural Treasures

In the US when traveling by car and away from major cities, we often enjoy an easy escape from the hotel directly to local trails, small parks or more well-known areas for our morning walks. Driving to Ft. Lauderdale recently for a Caribbean cruise, we consulted Google Maps from our hotel room, then hopped in the car early on cruise departure day for an hour-long exploration of Turkey Creek Sanctuary.   We visited on a Sunday morning, when the sun was burning off the early fog. The boardwalk made walking easy, and the many labeled points helped us see some natural attractions we likely would have missed. Our highlight was the walk along the creek, gazing at the natural beauty and looking for wildlife. While other visitors reported seeing a manatee, we saw squirrels, herons and raccoons. We followed the sandy trails through the palmetto bushes and oak forest, and the boardwalk trails over a native swamp and alongside the creek. The morning calls of native birds musically accompanied our fast-paced footsteps, turning to a regular drumbeat on the plank boardwalk. Before we left, we had trekked nearly 3 miles and enjoyed some of the Old Florida natural beauty that is becoming increasingly rare.

Walking the boardwalk along Turkey Creek in Florida.
Walking the boardwalk made it easy to see the natural beauty of Old Florida. We spotted squirrels, herons and raccoons along the way.

Last summer in Bend, OR, we left the car in the hotel parking lot and walked along the Deschutes River Trail between the Old Mill District and the Bend Whitewater Park.  Later in the day, the trail and the river would become crowded with other tourists and a smattering of locals watching the paddlers and tubers ride the current to a nearby take-out point. But shortly after dawn, we pulled on our light jackets for a brisk walk in the fresh, cool morning air, enjoying cloudless blue skies, wonderful views of the nearby mountain ranges, and the occasional sound of paddles slapping the river surface as rowers glided by.

Later, on the same trip, we spent the night beachside at the Inn at Cape Kiwanda in Pacific City. Waking early, we walked to the beach, then removed our shoes for a two-plus mile ocean front walk at the water’s edge of the the cool Pacific waves, just south of the Cape Kiwanda State Natural Area.

Beach at Cape Kiwanda in Pacific City, OR
In Pacific City, OR, we awoke early, walked to the beach, then removed our shoes for a two-plus mile ocean front walk at the water’s edge of the the cool Pacific waves.

Objects in Motion

Many of these travel walks were fast-stepping jaunts, where I tried to maintain a 15-minute-mile pace for the entire walk – excluding the inevitable stops for touristy gawking and photographs. That was especially true when I was a frequent and familiar visitor to a location. But many of them were more leisurely strolls, which was still better than no exercise or movement at all during my travels. I’m a firm supporter of Sir Issac Newton’s first law of motion: an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion. And that’s not just a suggestion or a good idea – it’s a LAW of physics!

Thus, whenever practical, whether at home or traveling, I plan to stay in motion – moving forward with the same speed for as long as possible.

Boardwalk at Turkey Creek
On these travel walks, I tried to maintain a 15-minute-mile pace – excluding the inevitable stops for touristy gawking and photographs. But many were more leisurely strolls, which was still better than no exercise or movement at all.

More Hiking and Walking

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Walks in the Woods at Red Top Mountain, GA

Short Hikes to Tall Georgia Waterfalls

Check Out KeMo’s Backside

Cool Hike at Cooper’s Furnace

Sunrise Hike at KeMo

Mountain vistas at Black Rock Mountain State Park, Clayton, Georgia
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