My favorite thing about Dayton International Airport, DAY: efficiency. On a recent trip, I left for the airport a mere 1:15 prior to my scheduled flight. In my home airport of ATL, I couldn’t get from the terminal to the gate in that time. But in Dayton, I drove 11 miles, returned my rental car, walked to the terminal, checked a bag, cleared security, stopped for coffee, intentionally walked the half-mile longest-route-possible around the terminal to get some steps in, and then settled into a seat at my gate. Total elapsed time: 30 minutes, leaving 45 minutes to wait for departure.
The trade-off: There’s not much to do in the Dayton airport except be efficient in getting through it. That said, here are a few other observations about DAY:
- Longest Walk. Once past security, the two concourses are in a U-shape. One lap around the entire secured area is only .55 miles, so you’ll have to be determined to get your steps in, even with the extra time you’ll likely have due to all that efficiency in arriving.
- Smooth entry and exit. The airport is located near the intersection of Interstates 70 and 75, one of the crossroads of America. That makes it easy to get in and out. Downtown Dayton is less than 10 miles away, and it’s also less than 2 hours to Indianapolis, Columbus, or Cincinnati. If you’re traveling to the heartland, you may want to check out DAY options as an alternate airport for lower fares.
- Civic pride. The concourses feature informative signs promoting local attractions. OK, so you’re saying, “Dayton? Attractions?” Yes, so pay
Local coffee shop Boston Stoker is the best choice for a cup-o-joe. attention to the signs that highlight 5-Rivers Parks, Boonshoft, Carillon Park, the US Air Force Museum and more. Helpful videos and literature are (generally) available.
- Local coffee shop. Along with the usual assortment of forgettable airport shops and chain restaurants you’ll find two Boston Stoker Coffee locations in the terminal — one before and one after security. Boston Stoker was founded in Dayton in 1973 and has grown to 10 regional outlets. While you also will find two Starbucks locations, stop by and sample Boston Stoker. And if you don’t visit their stores, at least visit their website, where they feature some interesting information about their history, commitment to roasting, and more: https://bostonstoker.com/
That’s it for the airport. Not many words are required to describe efficient. If you want a few ideas after you leave the airport, come back later for an upcoming post: A Great Day in Dayton.
Interesting Links:
Some of the locations promoted on those helpful airport signs are worth a visit in person, or a virtual visit in advance for those planning a visit.
- US Air Force Museum, Dayton’s top visitor attraction and definitely worth a few hours: http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/
- 5 Rivers Park and other Dayton Metro Parks: https://www.metroparks.org/
- Boonshoft Museum, a great place for kids to explore nature: https://www.boonshoftmuseum.org/
- Carillon Historical Park, features multiple Dayton history exhibits, a brewery and restaurant and more. https://www.daytonhistory.org/