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Monday, March 10, 2025
Guest ChefsA positive spin on the summer of 2020

A positive spin on the summer of 2020

By Gary Meehan

At the end of March, like many folks, as the pandemic was beginning to take hold and ravish the food service industry in which I work, I was placed on indefinite furlough. 

I wasn’t surprised. In fact, I welcomed the news.

‘Out back’ at ‘The Cottage’ with Molly the Cat (18 years young!)

As a self-employed entrepreneur for the past 30 years, a real vacation was a luxury I rarely took. Even those times when I did, I would still ‘check-in’ with the office each day. So, while I would enjoy the change of scenery, I never really received the full benefit.

For years the seasons came and went — this summer I took time to notice (and capture) what nature provides

That’s why when I received the news, I took it as a sign that I should use this opportunity for some long overdue down time.

I live in south-western Ontario in Norfolk County. Ontario’s south-coast (I know, thinking of Canada having a south coast makes me smile too). Norfolk is a mostly agricultural area where everything from corn to ginseng, soy, wheat, tobacco, potatoes and other crops are grown.

Many years ago the government offered incentives to farmers to grow ginseng in an effort to help wean them off of tobacco crops. The spaces in-between make for a great walk close to home.

I love this area, especially after this summer. Along with all of the land dedicated to agriculture, we’re fortunate enough to have great swaths of Carolinian forests, beautiful beaches, lakes, miles of trails – many of which are reclaimed rail lines, even a budding wine region. Oh yes, and given the recent change in marijuana laws, a budding ‘bud’ region too 😉 Not to mention the Long Point World Biosphere Reserve, and some of the prettiest little ports you’ll see anywhere. 

The Shadow Lake Trail in beautiful Waterford, features woodland pathways and rail lines that have been converted to walking and cycling trails. Locals know this area as the ‘Waterford Ponds’

The county is 1600 square kilometres (620 square miles) and yet has a relatively small population of only 65,000 people. Simcoe, where I live, is the largest ‘centre’ with a whopping 14,000 residents. 

Port Dover is one of my favourite places to ‘hang out’. A commercial fishery (perch, pickerel) still operates here. I spend my time on the quieter commercial side and leave the more crowded side to the ‘tourists’.

Norfolk county is one of Ontario’s best kept secrets. About an hour and a half SW of Toronto, residents there have traditionally vacationed in the other direction in the  Kawartha lakes region, NE of the city. When we first moved here almost 20 years ago, we would do the same.

Even in winter, the Lake Erie shoreline is a great place to unwind

The idea of vacationing in our own backyard came when we noted how many trailers, boats and campers were heading to our area as we were leaving. So, about 15 years ago I decided we should save the 3 hour drive north and do the same. I’ve never looked back.

Port Rowan sits on Long Point Bay across from ‘The Point’ itself.  Long Point is technically a 40 km (25 mi) long sand spit that features beautiful beaches, bird sanctuaries, cottages and a conservation and camping area.

During the lockdown, of course, I had no choice. My summer off would be spent re-claiming my property, planting a vegetable garden, long walks along the trails (and through the ginseng fields), morning drives along the ‘waterfront trail’ and trips out on the boat fishing and sightseeing.

Businesses like Burning Kiln wineries, with its eco-adventure ‘park’, trail system, and ‘glamping’ — is a great place to enjoy the natural beauty of the county.

It took a few weeks for my mind, body and soul to catch on. It took some convincing that ‘we’ were really going to just relax and forget about work for a while. And while it was strange at first, I was able to settle in to a great routine. As well as discover some truths about myself that will serve me now that I am working again.

The Hahn Marsh is part of the Big Creek National Wildlife Area and a big draw for duck hunters each fall.

I learned that taking time for myself is a good thing. That I don’t need as much money to ’live’ as I thought I did. That my policy to take on every opportunity that presented itself as if it could be my last only led to always working.  

Sunflowers at sunset.

I learned that the trees that need dropping and chopping aren’t an inconvenience but an enjoyable way to get some well-needed exercise and a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. And the flames and crackle of a backyard ‘campfire’ create a beautiful atmosphere to meditate and gain some inner peace. That planting and maintaining a vegetable garden is hard work (that for a time hurt my back), but made supper way more enjoyable than store-bought produce.

There’s something very calming when surrounded by farmland for as far as the eye can see.

I rekindled my love of cooking. With my kids now grown and in their own homes, it was too easy to ’skip the dishes’ and let someone else do the cooking. Now, I understand that cooking for myself, just like I would do for them, can be a healthy form of self care that is good for my soul — from the quality of the food and ingredients to the preparation and presentation of the plate.

I like to take and collect photos of the interesting ways folks use old vehicles as garden ‘art’. Bottom right is the Attawandaron, docked in Port Dover—a steel boat I watched one man build over the course of 2 to 3 years. Take me, take me!

Most of all I learned to love where I live. The small bungalow that is my house (which I affectionately call the cottage). The property, which compared to the neighbours is ‘rough around the edges’ (which I affectionately call ‘homestead-esque).  The fields and dunes, lakefront and beaches, marshlands, forests and winding roads with a picture worthy view around almost every corner.

Signs, signs, everywhere the signs…

I realize the pandemic has in so many ways been tragic for too many people. Even we lost a dear uncle overseas. But I can’t deny that in some sense, I have benefitted immensely from it. 

With a county-wide commitment to clean energy, wind turbines generate enough to power over 30,000 homes 

I’m fortunate enough to be working again. But instead of treating every opportunity like it might be my last, the summer of 2020 has taught me the importance of taking time to breathe, enjoy my surroundings and put health – which naturally leads to joy and happiness – first.

The ‘south-coast’ can be beautiful (and windy) in summer!

About the Author: Gary Meehan is an executive marketing consultant and serial entrepreneur based near Toronto, Canada. With knowledge, skills and networks developed over 30 years in this industry, Gary works with the world’s leading brands and provide services across the entire marketing spectrum – from product development and design to business development and product launches. He has worked and traveled extensively in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia Pacific. Before discovering fully his entrepreneurial spirit, Gary sailed the world as a merchant seaman.

Inquisitive traveler -- 33 countries, 48 states. Sometimes cyclist, occasional hiker, over-experienced diner. Cajun by birth, Parrothead by choice, Baby Boomer by age, Southerner by the grace of God. Semi-retired career marketeer, with a career serving the foodservice and food retail industries. Sharing experiences is an avocation.

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